Again. Trust Trump? Waffling.

I’m waffling, back and forth. Thought I could stick with Sorensen’s assessment of what’s going on re: AI and Trump, but find it difficult. Plus: even if Sorensen is correct, and Trump can be trusted, in that he is sincerely working like  hell to free up the world’s peoples from the tyranny that has enslaved us for so long; what if, given that the great percentage of Americans are utterly preoccupied with their own, fearful and/or greedy material concerns — not to mention either overweight or downright obese — and, having been jabbed, harboring all sorts of dis-eases —  shifting to the promised “Golden Age” is not even possible?

Just our ubiquitous screens themselves account for the accelerating split between body and mind that our Cartesian culture has always suffered from. Imagine adding to that what Trump and his tech titans are dreaming up, specialized, personalized mRNa vaccines for one’s own body! As if you, and your body, really are a machine!


The Body is not a machine.

The Body is part of Nature.

Nature is not a machine.


Nature cannot be contained in any algorithm our left-brain invented AI “dreams up.”

Nature is Mystery.


In short, as usual, the map is not the territory.

It never is, will be, or has been.

Nor will it be in the future.


This entire push, to me, frankly feels part of the transhumanist agenda.

And, to think, like Sorensen does, that we can, within a few years, begin to overcome the programming, given the current state of our population’s mental, physical, and spiritual decline, is likely much too optimistic.

So yes, this is another post that, in part, echoes my earlier, pessimistic one.

On the other hand, might the ever-sly, 5D player Trump be floating this leaky boat to see who jumps ship? Or to see who stands on the shore and laughs at the absurdity? I’ve seen a number of reports that the whole scheme is a pipe dream, unfunded, unstructured, and so on.

It may be that all will depend on just how many of us wake up to the attempted technocratic takeover? This reminds me so much of the covid con years, when most people just went along with the programming, and a certain small percentage of us never did! This time, the con seems much more clever, and coming at us from all sides, in all sorts of ways rather than just a few “talking points” repeated ad nauseam by global MSM.

Furthermore, for a non-techie like me, this con appears difficult to understand, which quite likely, is by design.

I conclude with yet another Trump meme. Does he know what he’s getting into?  Perhaps not.

And with that, I conclude this week’s posts.

Need two days off to “reset my hard drive”!

Back on Monday.



1 thought on “Again. Trust Trump? Waffling.”

  1. Yup. And we’re not the only ones. I’ve noticed the response on X to AI/mRNA tech is entirely negative. Let’s hope Trump is listening to his base.

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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