As Transit Sun begins to conjunct Neptune: ASTRONAUTS SPLASH DOWN, JFK FILES RELEASED within minutes!

I’ll start this post slowly. . .

Looking over recent posts, I realize that I’m as “bad” as any TDS “normie,”  in that Donald Trump, and his “real nature,” his “real intent,” has come to preoccupy my brain to the point of sheer obsession!

Especially because I can’t, for the life of me, “figure it out.” Who IS this apparent colossus? Good or Evil?

For that matter, who am I? Good or Evil? Whatever contradictions DJT experiences in his own (larger than) life — archetypal villain, or archetypal hero— which create extraordinary pressure on him and box him in, capture him, are not  unknown to me. Of course not. I’m a human being, frail, seemingly forced at times, to compromise — especially, in my case, without consciously realizing it; until I wake up at some point, in horror, or possible horror? “Is that really true? Have I been taken for a fool?” On and on.

Fitting rant on this day when transit Sun forms an exact conjunction with Neptune, a yearly event, formed by the illuminative Sun moving one degree a day, appearing to unite with far off hazy Neptune, which, however, moves so slowly that it needs 165 years to subtly incandesce through the entire zodiac (that’s 165  divided by 12, on average). So now: how many years has dreamy, zeitgeistian Neptune been floating through its own home sign, the watery, oceanic final sign of the zodiac, Pisces? How many years before it ends soon, given its current position in the final, 29th degree of Pisces?

Neptune in Pisces began this sojourn briefly in 2010, when it ingressed into Pisces briefly from Aquarius; it transversed back and forth between late Aquarius into early Pisces until February 4, 2012; Neptune’s its subtle atmospheric vibration has been unconsciously absorbed by the collective mind ever since.

Ever since the year 2012! The year that was supposed to introduce the brand new age, remember that? Remember the Harmonic Convergence, which I referred to over and over again, as the years went by?

Plus: here’s my August 1987 write up of the event that I attended, in the mountains of Wyoming:

Harmonic Emergence (1)

That incredible weekend in mid-August, 1987, during the first ever, and very Neptunian, “global meditation,” was burned into my brain. That weekend when groups of us everywhere on Earth danced and dreamed in unison, assured that 25 years later, in 2012, paradise would arrive?


Or the end of the world.

Who knows? A very Neptunian choice: either visions of peace on earth good will to men prevail or final nuclear atomization into nothingness.

So here we are, in the throes of the 29° ending of Neptune’s sojourn through its own sign, which also happens to be the final sign of the zodiac — on the way to a brand new beginning at 0° Aries, tentatively starting this new sojourn at the end of this month eleven days hence, on March 30, 2025, and then crisscrossing back and forth between the end of Pisces to the beginning of Aries until January 27, 2026; that’s only nine months from now.

Will we make it? Will we cross this magnificent divide relatively intact as a species on its home planet?

Nine months to go before the collective dreaming, the escapist tendency to addiction, the continuous possibility for deception, the likelihood of mass formation, the very confusing unknowing that the zeitgeist has brought in with Neptune’s passage through its own sign, begins to truly end, ushering in the fiery ideal of Arian independence, a refusal to be hypnotized.

I repeat: Will we make it? Will we cross this magnificent divide relatively intact as a species on its home planet?

Neptune’s gifts, especially when in in its home sign Pisces: faith in things unseen, surrender to the Mystery, visionary capacity, telepathy, compassion and empathy, the love fluid that fills and fuels the universe. And of course, the empathy and compassion that Neptune helps us soften into can and has been “weaponized” to convince us to think, wrongly, that, for example, we need to get jabbed to protect our neighbor. Remember that?

Okay, here we are, back to today. I want to call attention to two events that both occurred late yesterday, right as the transit Sun was beginning to illuminate Neptune in its final degree of Pisces: One of these at 5:15, the other at 5:57 PM ET.

These are the return of the astronauts who had been supposedly “stuck in space” — stuck in Neptune’s territory, the formless mystery of the beyond — for many months; and the public release of the JFK files, thousands upon thousands of pages. Who knows how many? Are they all real? How many have been redacted? How many remain buried after 62 years? So much Neptunian deception, denial, misdirection . .. on and on, thoroughly exhausting. Who of us can still open our eyes to see what’s real? Is it real? What covers what? Are we still being played?

It may be that I’m more “subject” to Neptunian dreams and realities and obsessions than most people, given that I (born 12/19/1942, 8:02 AM, San Antonio TX) have both Neptune at the Midheaven (aspecting nearly all the planets), plus the midpoint of Sagittarian ascendant at 21°and Sun at 26° happens to sit exactly square (90°, in friction with) the current conjunction between transit Sun illuminating Neptune at 29+ degrees Pisces.

So, as I said above, and will repeat again, mea culpa.

And/or:  it may be that my own peregrinations echo those of others, equally baffled and confused. Wanting to believe that things are going to get better, that DOGE will not just clear out fraud, waste, and abuse, but make way for truly individual freedom, despite the apparent AI takeover … On and on.

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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