Assange, Redux: Did he really suffer imprisonment in Melmarsh for five whole years? And if so, what might that imply?

In my post yesterday, I assumed that Assange, at 52, having, through constant, indefatigable effort, shone the light of truth on the darkness that has infected our entire planetary culture, had already achieved his life purpose;  that after his grueling long-term imprisonment, this universally honored hero deserved to relax and enjoy whatever precious time he had left.

But no. Not at all. All the reports I have been reading since I posted that piece have their authors, including his wife Stella, saying that Assange work is not done, that there will be much more from him in the future. Which means, to me: either he doesn’t give a shit about whether the DS takes him out, knowing they will try, no matter how much security he has around him; however, I doubt this possibility, given that he has a young family to love and protect. Or, he knows he’s protected to the point where they simply can’t take him out no matter how hard they try.

The latter alternative invites the question of whether his entire 12 year journey into hell was a pre-ordained “white hat” operation: part of the world’s greatest and most immense and long-term sting — see the Q material, where Julian Assange is noted as “JA,”—  working to obliterate the DS once and for all. A sting in which Assange, and Trump, and many many others, all play their agreed-upon roles.

And if so, then the Jupiterian astrological timing of his release becomes even more interesting!

In astrology, Jupiter cycles are considered “Cycles of Opportunity.”

Meanwhile, there are those who assume that he was not locked up in nightmarish Belmarsh for five years; that he doesn’t look sick enough, or demented enough, or paralyzed enough, or zombie enough, to have been there all this time without dying. That actually, he was in some kind of protected custody, unknown except to a certain few. He had to be. Because how, otherwise, could he still be alive? Come on! That’s impossible!

See for example: David Sorenson of Stop World Control, who subscribes to the Q noted sting, but says JA was protected.

What Nobody Told You about Julian Asssange

Maybe. Yes, maybe. Oh, and BTW: his Neptune on the Ascendant could also account for that scenario, since it can symbolize “illusion, deception,” though, in this case, for a higher “idealistic” Neptunian cause!

On the other hand, I watched the video that showed him walking stiffly out of the London airport and up the staircase to the private jet. Though determinedly energetic, his movement was stiff, stilted, and frankly, felt to me like his will was stronger than his body, urging and enabling it to move in a manner to which it was no longer accustomed.

Then, the second video, in the black suit, getting out of the car on the remote Pacific Island to go sign the plea agreement that had been worked out beforehand. His bodily movement there, to me, felt a tiny bit smoother, and even more powered up, having had those hours in the plane from London to Bangkok, then Bangkok to the island, to allow the fact of his coming freedom to actually begin to infuse his soul.

And then, the final video, of him landing in Australia, bigger than life, his body now moving more naturally and forcefully, spreading his arms up and wide in various joyful hellos, on his way to meet his faithful wife who had been his attorney back when he was ensconced in the embassy, where their two children, now 5 and 7, were conceived.

Frankly, I feel that for just about any other person, with the possible exception of Trump, who is however, nearly 30 years older, the role of Julian Assange as a heroic, deeply principled World Changing Truth Teller is only possible, given the velocity of the life force that he can summon at will, when needed, but that this remarkable ability to continuously call upon and, when needed, regenerate  the primal life force also gave him immense powers of endurance through unimaginable horrors that would have stopped most of us in our tracks, very early on.

Yes, there really are some world-historical figures who actually do enact world-changing roles that only they could enact, given that they are the very individual souls needed to enact them, and gifted with bodies that are so infused with spiritual energy that they can summon massive efforts at will.

It reminds me of a little vignette: Imagine a person’s leg that has been rolled on by a car. Another person sees it, and with herculean, superhuman effort, manages to lift the entire car off the person’s leg. That does happen.

As did the time about fifteen years ago when I managed to ward off a sudden attack by three pit bulls, by instantly moving into a kali-like frenzy that lasted for an eternity (several minutes, likely), as a mysterious energy took over, whipping my body round and round in place, legs flashing out to kick, over and over again, while holding to my chest my own threatened small dog.

After it was over, I looked down, saw my shoes standing poised, together. I did not remember being without shoes during the attack. I did not remember suddenly stepping neatly out of my shoes as I watched the furious creatures rush towards me from out of the forest.

Afterwards, I felt utterly depleted. In fact, it took six weeks for my adrenals to recover from that extraordinary occasion. An incident in which my normal personality was overtaken by a universal force much larger than I am capable of sustaining for more than a few minutes.

I’ve endured two other dog attacks too, the same way.

And there was the time I was needing to cross country ski down the gradual face of an entire mountain, unprepared, and exhausted from the long cross-country trek up. Then too, I, or my soul, summoned the energy of the universe and I floated effortlessly down, a two-hour journey.

I am no superwoman. These incidents are few and far between. But: I know what’s possible.

Assange, obviously, however, is a superman. He can do what I have done, on a continuous, ongoing basis, for years, doing whatever is required to serve his magnificent soul’s path.

The point is, certain rare world-historical souls really do have the capacity not only to marshal the miraculous life force in emergencies, but to maintain this extreme thrust indefinitely.

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