ASTROLOGY of 2025: What’s coming right up!

2025 will be a year in which those of us survive it will look back on in awe. Sheer awe. Here are three attempts to actually linguistically describe the great unknown that we are about to burst into. Of course it’s impossible to capture the new with the old, and it may be that this year is so momentous that we will have to invent new words, phrases, word constructions, and so on, to even begin to put it into words that will help us capture even a semblance of meaning. (I notice that Clif High has been doing that for awhile now. No wonder!)

Laura Bruno weighs in on some of the portentous near-future collective shifts.

New Moon in Aries and Solar Eclipse + Neptune enters Aries ~ March 29-30, 2025

Keep in mind that each description and prediction that any real person makes (AI included, since ultimately what any AI has access to was compiled by real persons) is colored by that person’s perspective, attitude, personality, soul purpose, etc. There is no “objectivity,” unless you are the all-seeing eye. And even the all-seeing eye is part and parcel of what it sees! Interconnected subjectivity radiating from the centers of an infinite number of individual sovereign souls . . . A very Arian concept, as Neptune initiates each of our brand new beginnings!

Here’s another one:

Astrodienst Newsletter April 2025


And another one, with a bit more focus on historical context.

The Astrology Of 2025 – Saturn And Neptune In Aries, Uranus In Gemini

One conscious 82-year-old’s advice to herself:

Get, and strive to remain,

over and over again,

through walking


your embodied soul

in continuous awareness,




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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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