Bernard Guenther: “Navigating the Timeline Split”

Is there such a thing as a “timeline split”? Bernard Guenther thinks so. I tend to think so as well. How else to understand the seemingly parallel realities we are immersed in now?

Usually the second timeline is called the 5D “ascension” timeline, as distinct from the “matrix” 3D timeline. I get that; it’s one way of making sense of the vast gulf between me and just about everyone in my local space. I play with polarities, hugely enjoying the freedom allowed in the dynamic space between; they take them seriously, and cling to one side or the other.

Or is all this really true? Though I’m sure some vast percentage of people are still stuck in whatever belief system they had prior to the presidential election, I know of some who are actually asking me to help them understand what is happening. The election — and likely, the fact that it resulted in a landslide, what no one predicted? — had a corrosive effect on their consciousness.

So, for everyone who actually succeeds in shifting their political perspective to grok why Trump is in charge (for now), and why it had to be, why the last four years are called “the pause,” and so on, that means they are now on the “ascension” timeline?

In any case, here’s the first part of a Bernard Guenther post, wherein he speaks of all this very articulately. I plan to listen to his podcast later today.


I post this on the day of the Full Moon in Taurus, at 24°. Conjunct my own natal Moon at 23° Taurus. This Full Moon also happens to conjunct transit Uranus, which then, is also conjunct my Moon. Electric Uranus interrupts. Emotional Moon, in earthy Taurus, tries to hold steady. I confess: my attention, ever since my son Colin’s aortic dissection August 16, 2023, which left him paralyzed from the waist down and with ongoing nerve pain, is, on this Full Moon in Taurus day, more than ever focused there, with him, as his mother.

Plus, with Saturn in watery Pisces turning to go direct on this very same day, it’s difficult to lift my head from full immersion in sympathetic resonance with Colin, as you might imagine.

Even so, in any case, I leave you with this. No more posts until Monday.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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