Lots of clues make me wonder.
Like the tech CEO billionaires who had special seats for the inaugural events. What’s that about.
Like Bill Gates, after his three-hour dinner with Trump. “I was frankly impressed.”
Joe Allen wonders too. And he warns us.
After the Great Remix
So what do we call the tech titans who attended Trump’s inauguration, or those now gathering in Davos? “Transhumanist oligarchs”? “Kleptocratic wizards”? “Robot-loving antichrists”?
Many will call them “great men” as if their livelihoods depend on it. Some will call them “saviors.”
Call these tech titans what you will, I call them a menace. They do not serve God — they serve algorithmic Mammon. They offer automation in place of human autonomy.
They uphold the artificial over the organic. They dream of sand gods and the Greater Replacement.
If we don’t untie the knot tightening around us, we are destined to be their subjects.
The digital will be confused with the spiritual and America’s new “Golden Age” will be a Cyborg Theocracy. Even as words fail, its priests will call this “freedom.”
Greg Reese is very concerned and says so, in the most pithy way possible (45 = 9; 47=11).
Then there’s the latest: thanks to AI, individualized vaccines for everyone, to “cure” anything! Glad Robert Monroe is already onto this scam.
As for digital ID, Just the title of Dr. Mike Yeadon’s substack post says it all.
And of course, Whitney Webb’s view is as jaundiced as ever. Here’s her view of Trump’s decision to leave the WHO.
Mattias Desmet warns us about Trump’s biometric entry-exist visa tracking system.
The Biometric Tracking System ‘on Land, at Sea, and in the Air’
As Desmet notes, Trump is trying to control what happens, in every arena. Control only works up to a certain point, as he is about to find out.
I tend to prefer o think that he is doing the best he can, given the choices in front of him, and how serious and complex the issues. But his business-as-usual world-view apparently limits him to technocratic, AI-driven, transhumanist, technocratic “solutions.”
Oops! But then I notice . . . what about this?
Basically, only two days past Inauguration, I already tend to conclude that, though he may have waded into swamp in order to drain it, it sounds like it may have swallowed him whole.
But what do I know? I still want to advocate for giving him the benefit of the doubt, knowing his left brain is much smarter and much more informed than mine.
I also hold my entire self at one remove, and remain an organic, sovereign, embodied soul, at one with all creation.
No need for digital anything.
Fuck AI.