CAN we get and remain Grounded and Centered inside Avalanching Aquarian Melee´?

Half-way through January 2025, and it already feels as if a whole year has passed. Is time speeding up? Or are the sheer number and variety of sudden, interruptive, often (designed to be?) terrifying events which alter “everything, everywhere, all at once” breaking through the 3d matrix, indeed avalanching, one after another after another.

This: on the macro scale, as Clif High predicted, expanding “irreversibility” of cascading events, so that old corrupt traditions and institutions and authorities of all kinds go into free fall (thanks to Pluto in Capricorn, which primed the pump from 2008 until Pluto’s final (it went back and forth for several years) November 20, 2024 shift into Aquarius which launched the turbulent, roiling NOW, with its ongrowing, increasingly chaotic “melee´,” as Clif High terms it. The massive, ponderous encumbrance of authority, tradition, religions, rulers, politicians, celebrity stars, Big Gov, Big Media, Big Ed, Big Med, Big Pharma — top-down structures and weird woke agendas of all kinds — no longer successfully command our obedience.

I repeat: it will soon become obvious that nobody is in charge!

In other words: Whether you become or remain a principled person is entirely up to you!

Big Daddy God in the sky is dead; actually he never actually was; that was your projection talking.

The Divine courses

through the heart and soul

of each of us.

If we allow it.

If we open.

If we dare.

Each of us, as an individual, in this Aquarian Age, which will last for the next 20 years, on his or her own, is, in the ever present expanding NOW, forced to WAKE UP. From this ever-flowing moment on, IF we can stay centered and grounded inside this airy conflagration, then we will suffer the growing appreciation that our very REAL lives, on nourishing planet Earth, ARE local, decentralized, and enhanced horizontally by personal cooperation and networking, rather than imprisoned and demeaned by centralized command elsewhere.

Notice I did not include “his/her,” or “they/them”; biology still rules; his and her, two sexes (therefore two genders), male and female. Period. For now. Until transhumanism, AI, hive mind and other, technocratic, also Aquarian, digital directives, have their way. And they will. We need to prepare ourselves for that too. How to enliven ourselves as sovereign individuals despite continuous brainwashing by likely lying screens? How to get and remain heart-centered, whole, inside the melee´?

So yes, wherever Pluto is located, in Capricorn or Aquarius or any other sign, it sets the tone of and possibilities within the zeitgeist; the depths of corruption in the darkness of each particular Plutonian hell surfacing, made visible, and thus purged on the way to Plutonian rebirth.

In other words, none of us gets off scott-free. Pluto, the great destroyer/rebirther is always located somewhere. Its winds, in Pluto’s airy, mental Aquarian Age, blowing unceasingly in all directions with hurricane force threaten to topple us from any pretended (materialist, ideological) perch.


This early morning, I lay in bed riveted by an SGT interview with Mark Attwood, who tends to think in multi-dimensional (“alt-epistemological”) terms; so that, for example, with the California fires, Attwood identifies and describes at least five levels of widening, deepening, more and more inclusive perspectives, with some seeming to contradict one another. Unless one thinks multidimensionally.

And what’s intriguing about Mark Attwood, is his claim to be an “apocaloptimist.” I.e., he thinks everything that is going on, everything, is ultimately for the greater good, aimed to shock, if necessary, so that we may wake up, free ourselves from the shackles that have bound enslaved humans for thousands of years.

He assumes, though he doesn’t go into it much in this interview, along with Tucker Carlson, that humans are being controlled by invisible, demonic spiritual entities.

Here’s a twitter post where he DOES go into it.

MK Ultra on a mass scale. These controlling demonic entities exist within the 4th Dimension, our purgatorial bridge to the 5th Dimension, where the emotional sturm and drang of the 4th Dimension is finally left behind, and we can float free.

In other words, “Ascension.” At least one version of it.

Anyone who’s not conceptually stuck will appreciate this interview.



However, I do wonder about Attwood’s and a psychiatrist’s (see above) view of schizophrenics, as always those controlled by inner demonic voices . . .

Back in my early 30s, I met a man at a party, who, after speaking with me for awhile, exclaimed in surprise, “you are the first continuously splitting schizophrenic I’ve ever met!” Though laughing while he said it, I doubt he meant it as a compliment. But I sure did, and bowed down dramatically: “Thank you!”

In other words, I am, I still am, over 50 years later, moment by moment, splitting appearance from essence, moving from identification to awareness; rather than getting stuck, I pay close attention, while simultaneously expanding, detaching, widening my perspective.

My life purpose is to continuously open space beyond the limiting (mental/emotional) framework just now encountered.

As a “continuously splitting, i.e., conscious schizophrenic, I too, have been guided by voices, when needed, which is not often. Usually, I can rely on my continuously increasing capacity, thanks to actually learning from experience! Utilizing “failure” to gain further understanding so as how begin again!


But there are times when a Voice, which I consider an aspect of either my Higher Self, or of the group of souls that attends me, breaks through to let me know what my stubborn, myopic self absolutely must do next if I wish to continue to survive and thrive.

OK! I always obey.

Up until 2008, I had heard the voice six times. And each time it saved my life, saved the life inside me, increased aliveness: i.e., so that, over the years, the primal life force might find an even stronger, more resilient, embodied channel to flow through.

In more detail:

Hearing Voices



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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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