4:40 PM. Once upon a time, that is, a few minutes ago, I was in the middle of my daily yoga/chikung/taichi practice, when I realized that I had said, towards the end of this morning’s post, that my Sun/Asc in Sag midpoint is directly square to both Sun and Neptune’s current position at 29° Pisces. That’s wrong! My Sun/Asc is actually square the current position of Saturn, at 22° Pisces, and is giving me endless trouble. Trying to clear up Neptunian confusion in all sorts of areas of my life. To get it right, says Saturn, whatever it is! To even interrupt my daily practices to write this corrective post and push all the other tightly scheduled (Saturn) activities even further back.
Okay. I think I’m done. I think I need to stop posting NOW, until Monday next. I feel this week, like I’m continually flogging myself (Saturn) for spacing out (Neptune). I have, simply, way to many Saturnine details to attend to, when what I really need is peace, serenity, letting go of the troubles of this world.