David Sorensen: “Trump’s intentions are good.”



I’ve already indicated that, despite my initial freakout, I want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.

See yesterday’s post: Can Trump Be Trusted?

Yesterday evening I got to thinking: look at Trump’s relations with his own family. Obviously they are full of love for one another. This is not the way evil men behave.

Now I want to go further, to wholeheartedly agree with David Sorensen: Trump’s intentions are good. Sorensen claims Trump knows he has to get the best of AI, in order to use it for the surveillance still required in a world where people hurt one another. For example, estimates vary, but it’s safe to say that hundreds of thousands of children go missing in the U.S. alone every single year. In fact, one of Sorensen’s children narrowly escaped being kidnapped just the other day.

By the way, Sorensen too, freaked out, when he saw what seemed to be an alliance between Trump and the tech titans. But then, he said, yesterday he got to thinking, and the result is the 38 minute video above which I did watch all the way through, and which make a lot f sense.

He’s long thought that Trump was on the side of good, especially since all of mainstream media has done nothing but vilify him since 2016 when he rode down the elevator, Big Media successfully, until 2024, propagandized the vast majority of the normies into TDS.  Just that alone shows us who Trump does NOT align with.

Then, who but Trump could invent the word “fake news” which to me, anyway, seemed rude at first. That was before I had gotten used to the nicknames he throws on various nefarious people. His mastery of everyday language to point out hidden truths is undeniable.

Minute 11: Sorensen starts addressing Trump’s apparent association with the tech billionaires. He reminds us that first Trump turned Zuckerberg, who declared that facebook is now done with censorship. Even before that however, was his relationship with Elon Musk, whom Sorensen sees as someone with a mixture of good and evil; someone who, simply because of his background, has not yet purified himself the way he needs to, but who nonetheless has chosen to work for good. In fact, he sees Trump as having adopted Elon as his own son.

BTW: Sorenson also indicates in various parts of this video, that all of us are a mixture of good and evil, light and dark; and that it is up to each of us to work on ourselves so that we might clear ourselves of our own (usually hidden, denied, or projected) evil.

Minute 15: Speaking of AI directly, Sorenson calls it a tool, which can be used for either good or evil. Since AI is here now, Trump has to work with it at its most advanced, including working with the evil tech billionaires to make them work for good.  AI itself, unlike humans, is not creative, but only imitative.  When used for good, AI surveillance can be used to protect the innocent, and to catch criminals. That because of the way the world still is, AI surveillance will be necessary for many years, even decades, until humanity has evolved enough to drop the need for governments of any kind, boundaries of any kind. A Golden Age when we will no longer prey upon one another and instead, will have gradually learned, all over the world, to flourish in glorious, park-like decentralized communities which grow their own food.

He calls Trump a “wrecking ball” to the deep state, and declares that Trump is only the first of many human wrecking balls that will be required over the next years and decades, to shift us out of dog-eat-dog mentality to working naturally for the common good.

He also notes that it’s no wonder he freaked out at first, when hearing about Project Stargate.


“We’ve been abused so much we’ve forgotten how to trust.”











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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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