I took three photos today, just to show how the snow, about 15″-18″ of which fell in two storms, one stronger than the other, light, fluffy snow, which then compressed into concrete, and with the sun, turns to ice . . . But I’ve already written about my careful stomps over ice, except for yesterday, when I just chunked through the snow banks on either side of a few relentlessly icy sidewalks. All this while puppy Scampi looked back at me incredulous, having scampered over the ice with no problem.
Anyway, late afternoon, on January 15th, inside Green Acres, these:

Oops! And one more. After 8 PM, I glance up from computer and notice both puppy Scampi and Tiger kitty followed me in here. Tiger has been inside now ever since he came home (having stayed somewhere else apparently for two days and nights) right after the storm. Is getting fat. Is being driven stir-crazy by his lazy inside life. He’s usually out hunting. But no animals are out, except squirrels and they’re even smarter than he is. Instead, he sleeps — in some unknown spot in the basement, or on bed of one of us three female housemates, or the couch, and gets up periodically to eat lots of cat food. As if he’s ravished. But we know he’s not. Like humans, absent-mindedly eating just because he’s bored.
And Scampi! He colonizes wherever he lands, this time smack in the center of my biggest pillow. At hight, he often snuggles down inside the covers, his quivering body leaning into mine.