Even so, YES, TRUST TRUMP — and Trust Our Flowing Love

While I have been spending most of my blog time since January 21 alerting myself and others to what I perceive as glaring mistakes made by our once again president DJT, please realize that I know he is no different from the rest of us. We all human; we “make mistakes.” Since Trump’s presence upon the world stage is so humongous, then, unlike just about anybody else, so will his glaring mistakes magnify for all (who consider ourselves awake) to see.

And while it may turn out that Trump is, or is meant to be, but a puppet in some higher, malevolent force’s hands, somehow I doubt it. Not because that’s not what “they” intend, but because way too many of us, following our awakening process during the covid con, are waking up even more thoroughly, to shine our collective light wherever we go.

Just yesterday, a woman approached me during a visit to Aldi. “You have the most beautiful smile!” she said, her own smile both shy and endearingly beautiful. Astonished and grateful, of course I told her I love her smile. Then, sensing it would be too much, too soon, I had to stop myself from hugging her.

I cannot help but smile, wherever I go. And this smile is not that of “portrayal;” it is genuine, from the heart, love flowing to and through one and all.

Just think, hundreds, thousands, millions of us awakening ones, our souls shining brightly wherever we go!

If there is such a creature as “the devil” outside of our individual interiors, then he shrinks in the face of such unremittent glory.

Meanwhile, what President Trump accomplished in his first week in office leaves me breathless, and extremely grateful! Finally, with we, the people by his side, he can afford to unleash his full, archetypal nature. Given the magnitude of both what he personally is capable of, as a colossus striding upon the world stage, and the more and more visible global corruption, decrepitude, perfidiousness, etc. that he is both addressing and determined to change, NOW, he has entered upon an extremely thrilling and dangerous course, with each rapidly advancing decision a wrecking ball to release stuck energy so that it may begin, again, to flow.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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