I’m not returning here until January 6; however, simply couldn’t resist this.
Fear not and gear up, folks. It’s going to be a wild ride. Centering and balancing exercises required, on a daily basis, at least for fiery me!
Pluto has already shifted from earth bound Capricorn to airy Aquarius, to remain for the next 20 years. (It’s been in Capricorn since 2008, and spent the last two years going back and forth from one to the other.)
Decentralization, experimentation, exploration, AI, cooperative mind games begin.
Couple the above with:
Neptune shifts from watery Pisces to fiery Aries on March 31, to remain for the next 14 years.
Saturn shifts from watery Pisces to fiery Aries on May 26, to remain there until 2028.
(Both go back and forth between Pisces and Aries a couple of times, making their exact conjunction to the minute at 0°42 Aries on February 20, 2026.)
Yep, by end end of May, 2025, both disciplined Saturn and visionary Neptune will reach 0° Aries, for the first time, in how long?
Ommigod. I just signed up to ChatGPT in order to ask this question (something I thought I would never do).
Not now, thanks.
In any case:
Sabian symbol for next whole degree (1° Aries): A WOMAN JUST RISEN FROM THE SEA. A SEAL IS EMBRACING HER. Keynote: Emergence of new forms and of the potentiality of consciousness.
NOTICE what’s already happened, the publication of
The Telepathy Tapes
now going viral on twitter. This podcast, which starts with the observation that a group of children — so autistic as to not be able to use language, communicate telepathically with their mothers and teachers — leads us to the recognition that consciousness does not arise from matter. Rather, it’s the other way around.
From now on, the old “scientific paradigm” transforms.
Materialism is dead.
is primary,
Then, on July 8 Uranus moves from earthbound Taurus into mercurial Gemini, to remain there for 7 years, further fissioning eruptive material suffering into electric mental energy.
In other words, following Pluto’s final entrance into Aquarius, three zeitgeistian planets begin to support Pluto’s move: Neptune, Saturn and Uranus.
Earth and Water give way to Fire and Air.
So yes, get and stay both centered and grounded.
Make of your body an antenna for Earth, via the breath.
Inhale cosmic energy down through crown through soles of feet to Her living, conscious core.
Exhale from Her core through feet to crown up to infinite cosmos.
Over and over again. No end to it.
Then: learn to move the breath (inhale) from both top and bottom at once, into the heart, swirling round and out to horizontally embrace all and everything on this suffering material plane —
— knowing, feeling, that it’s all consciousness,
all of it,
all ONE.
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