I’m Undergoing a Neptunian Immersion in My Son’s Ongoing Hell

Transit Neptune —  a very slow-moving planet — which, in my birth chart, sits at the very top, i.e., it’s my path, my north star, so to speak, has been sitting at 27° Pisces, squaring, exactly, my 27° Sagittarian Sun. I’d like to say that this is the reason I’m so very immersed today, in my near 59-year-old son Colin Cudmore’s ongoing living nightmare (for my daily updates, see caringbridge.org), but I know that’s not true.

Neptune has been crossing my Ascendant and sun (21° and 27° Sag) for years! — since April 2020, shortly after we were all suddenly immersed in the extreme fear-generating frequency called covid. (It had been suddenly announced, everywhere, all over the world, one month earlier, on March 12, 2020). And I noticed myself, during that massive four-year global psy-op (not that it’s really over) going into and out of the extreme collective fear over and over again without ever succumbing to it. Instead, somehow, that entire ordeal increased my psychic ability to recognize the frequency that had captured the entire global population without participating in it.

All that, I might argue now, was to prepare me for the next immersive opportunity, during which however, I have not been able to separate from the ongoing agony of, this time, my own son.

This opportunity Neptune foreshadowed by a strong feeling of dread for three months, regarding then 57-year-old Colin Cudmore, a continuous seeing, in my mind’s eye, the medical emergency which then went live on August 16, 2023, the very day that transit Uranus made its first eruptive conjunction with my natal Taurus Moon. 

Yes, my personal immersion in his ongoing catastrophe (nearly 16 months now), actually began on that exact date when transit Uranus conjuncted my natal, nurturing, mothering Moon exactly, with his phone call to me at 8:30 AM: “Mom, would you please come over here, right now?”

Yes, I’ve been inundated by the powerful impersonal forces of not one, but two outer planets, Uranus with its 84 year cycle, and Neptune with its 165 year cycle, for years now, and it’s nowhere near over.

I don’t expect to ever fully comprehend either of these energies, though if I live another two years (I’m almost 82), I will finally have completed one entire cycle of Uranus, and so hopefully, will enjoy a 5th dimensional holistic appreciation of the entire unpredictable, quirky panorama of my contrarian life until that point.

The mysterious Neptune cycle, however, is way too long for me to ever understand; for any of us to ever understand. We are surrendered to invisible immersive energies, drifting, or drowning, within currents of a vast, psychic, oceanic sea. The times when Neptune transits activate our natal planets are, of course, when we cannot help but notice the immersion, though we really have no adequate words to describe the phenomenon.

So anyway, that’s my situation now. And frankly, I need to take another break from this blog, from screens altogether, and will do so, not just for the weekend, but for Friday (tomorrow) as well.

I plan to return, on Monday, December 9th.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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