Is GOVERN-MENT the Most Unrecognized Form of Mind Control?


These remarks struck me, hard. BioClandestine, on Telegram, re: the stolen elections, yesterday:

Unless there is swift corrective action, I don’t see how we can expect the base to show up in 2024.

I’m not suggesting people should not vote, I just don’t know how we are going to get MAaGA to show up after witnessing their votes getting stolen in back to back elections.


Instantly, given my own wild nature, I jump to conclusions, and assume that if we’re not really free, but enslaved; if we don’t really choose our “leaders,” but bow down to liars, rogues, thieves — then our Constitutional Republic is no more.

Pluto Return, here we go . . . As a nation, we are deep inside the deathing process. Death . . . leads to Rebirth. Rebirth of the same? Or will we utterly transform the way we live and move and have our being — on this planet and beyond.

I decided to take the time to absorb, from beginning to end, the following:

So which is it, am I a statist, or an anarchist?

I do KNOW, however — I’ve known with every quivering fiber of my being, ever since I woke up in the hospital when I was 26 years old, by a loud booming voice demanding: “LIVE OR DIE! IT’S YOUR CHOICE!” — that I am a sovereign soul.

Haven’t absorbed this video yet, but I will!


Let’s face it. Either human nature is basically good, or it is not. If it is, then we can return to our natural selves; we can discover how to strip ourselves of all indoctrination, and to re-member ourselves (put ourselves back together again) as free, sovereign souls, at one with all.

But then, more and more we recognize — given bankster-backed wars; child sex trafficking, SRA and adrenochrome; corruption in politics, academia, entertainment, media, medicine, religion — not to mention other forms of hell on earth ignited and maintained by a tiny “elite” of so-called human beings (themselves possibly mind-controlled by AI or aliens) — that some people are NOT good; in fact some are born psychopaths and others are turned into sociopaths.

How do we return to a state of nature with wolves in our midst, many of whom appear benign, or even benevolent — or at least innocuous?

I come to no conclusions. I am as befuddled as anyone. All I really know is my own sovereign soul, standing out in a field, wanting to meet you there. And yet . . .


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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