Is Martin Geddes Correct? Are We WINNING?

Our Planetary Exodus from Being Taken Hostage

I excerpt here the concluding paragraphs to today’s extremely thoughtful and articulate Geddes essay with a spot on-title. I suggest you read the post in its entirety however, to get the full effect of how, watched over by some kind of benevolence, the human race IS gradually being released from thousands of years of slavery just in time to not get totally exterminated and/or transmogrified into bots.

Key, for me: Continue patiently waiting for the big picture to obviously shift, while doing my utmost, personally, to seed love into every thought, word, and deed.


“The Q operation was a catalyst for the mass deprogramming process, releasing “conspiracy theorists” as hostages of isolation and ridicule. It re-established the concept of a fact — “who is Q?” — and emphasised the antipathy of the mass media towards investigation of that fact. The more they denigrate all ideas associated with Q while claiming to be legitimate press, without curiosity as to the identity of Q, the greater the contradiction they impale themselves on. That provokes increasing free thought around why the identity of Q is a taboo question, as thus lessens the trustworthiness of the authorities peddling the propaganda. The takeaway is that releasing lifelong hostages from mind control is a slow and tedious process, nothing like bursting into an embassy and letting off some stun grenades.

“The next step seems to be collapse of the old financial system, with a new one ready to rise from the ashes, so we are free from debt slavery. That sets the scene for unwinding the price manipulation of precious metals and physical assets. After that, we have sufficient stability to launch the official phase of military government, having been under silent martial law and continuity of government for some years. There are a lot of ways to die in this process, and few to live, so the fact I am still here to write this, and you are taking this in, says a lot about the unseen benevolent forces working to rescue us. Again, it may have moments of transition between systems and paradigms, but the overall hostage rescue project is decades in length.

“Our transhumanist enemy wishes to eliminate our species, and detach consciousness from mind and body. In their plan, any of us who resisted were scheduled to be shipped off, and faced a grim fate. Given we are dealing with cannibals (bloodline of Cain) you can guess what they might have done to you and your kids. Those humans who survived their totalitarian assault would have become slaves. We would have been unable to fight back once embedded with synthetic biology, genetically modified, and ridden with brain control technology. Humanity as we know it would have been over.

“Little of this has come to pass, thankfully, although we are taking real losses, most obviously via the spike protein jabs, less so via environmental toxins that cause cancer and other ailments. We remain in a planetary hostage crisis, and we are not out of danger yet. It may last another year or two until final victory, although major advances appear imminent. Instead of us being further enslaved, we are watching the failure of their schemes, and exposure of their assets. Higher powers are clearly in play, and we are being freed quickly, even if it feels agonisingly slow.

“Most hostages are only just realising that they are captive and being actively harmed, so the most delicate point is approaching as they wake up — and might panic. It is easier to stay sane if we recognise this is a siege situation, and the main method of defeating our hostage takers is indirect attrition to starve them of resources, not direct attack to blow them away. The slow way is the safe way — rescuing a planet is different from rescuing an embassy. The wish for someone to burst in and save us is natural, and we won’t say no to some sudden financial wealth to end the pain of debt. Just hold in mind that our freedom from these hostage takers is won through patience, not paratroopers.”




1 thought on “Is Martin Geddes Correct? Are We WINNING?”

  1. “Key, for me: Continue patiently waiting for the big picture to obviously shift, while doing my utmost, personally, to seed love into every thought, word, and deed.” ~ Me too, Ann, me too. In this you are not alone. Love…always Love…every day, every second, every moment! It truly is THE Key. Waves of deep Love to you, dear Ann, all ways. ??????

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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