Let’s face it, folks: THIS QUICKENING IS OURS!

What I most appreciate about the current breathtaking Trump/Elon blitzkrieg, its its sheer audacity. How dare Trump/Elon disrupt the uncomfortable status quo? How dare he make one outrageous decision, then another, and another, and another! What? The timing of DOGE events is accelerating, more and more and more everything everywhere all at once! Yep, keeps enemies confused. So it IS strategic. But the timing, the timing! It’ as if Trump/Elon were counseled by astrologers! (See below.)

And how does this massive outrageous political inflection point infect the culture at large? Well, we are quickening, too. Or at least those of us who have already gone through the long, slow sloggy process of awakening are. But the others who are just now coming alive? Geez! They can’t slow down. No time to luxuriously process anything! The result? Though roiling with tumultuous feelings, they too cannot help but be buoyed by the turbulent waves of change commencing, crashing, clashing, correcting, carrying us all into the great unknown.

We are so fortunate to live at the end of one age, the beginning of another. So very fortunate.

Of course the way is littered with unintended consequences that only crop up when a major decision is made that announces sweeping change, no matter what, all the way through.

For example, ever since the covid era, when people were encouraged to work remotely, the employment of handicapped people surged. In fact, new hires among handicapped increased more than among the rest of us. But now that Trump has declared that federal workers must all return to the office, what are handicapped workerss to do? How many offices are set up to accommodate them? How will they get to work? These and other obstacles present many more difficulties for the handicapped than for the rest of working Americans.

Unfortunately, I didn’t keep the source for this info that I came across yesterday. In any case, since my now paraplegic, nerve-damaged son Colin Cudmore is, we hope, someday to be out of bed and into his wheelchair for most of the day, any news item about “the handicapped” draws my attention. For the first time in my life! My extended attention. Not just a fleeting glance.

This is one of millions of situations of various types that could draw my attention, and do draw the attention, of again, very specific others, hordes of them. The intricate complexities of each single, sweeping, seemingly simple decision Trump/Elon makes ripple out endlessly. The “melee” that Clif High spoke of as coming right up as 2025 got going: who knew that the whole shebang would be “caused” by DOGE?

Or is it?

Or is DOGE just our way of assuming the huge changes we are all required to address — as our former seemingly solid world fractionates, fractalizes to infinity —  all trace back to a single cause?

Oops! That’s the old world-view, folks:  Cause and effect, as linear lines, which begin and end.


We’ve entered the endlessly proliferating world of concentric spiraling, out from each of us, as the center point of infinite opening.  And yes, for now, until we get used to it, life appears utterly chaotic. And we forget, or, we have immense trouble coming to terms with, the single Truth that we are each a living, breathing, acting, unique, and quickening sovereign soul who stands in the very center of this infinitely mysterious universe with no boundaries

In any case, to the extent that most people, not thinking fractally, would still point to a single cause, here’s a John Hawkins substack post that describes and appreciates the scope and depth of what’s going on with the new Trump era. As we astrologers would say, Trump and Co. appears to be overseeing the death/rebirth finale of the first return of Pluto to its own natal place in the U.S. birth chart. A finale which features primal Pluto having just made its final move from structural Capricorn into airy Aquarius, where it will remain for the next 20 years.


Will Trump Be Successful in Stopping America’s Long Term Spiral into Darkness?


Oops! And remember, 2025 hasn’t even gotten going yet! Just wait until two long-cycled planets, Saturn and Neptune, one after another, move into Aries! Just wait until eruptive Uranus moves from security-seeking Taurus into mentally stimulating Gemini! See the post I put up about these zeitgeistian changes, with dates, on December 31, 2024. Gawd, that was already so long ago! Yep. Earth and Water give way to Fire and Air. Humanity is lifting off;  switching from the body to the mind, from soul to spirit. I do hope that we are centered and grounded enough to do so!

HAPPY (or at least geared for) NEW YEAR?!?




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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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