Living the Liminal Limbo Land between SOVEREIGNTY and SLAVERY


As I prepare myself for meditation on this early afternoon’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse, I also sit inside our seemingly stuck (not to mention extremely dangerous, even nuclear) global human situation while quickening to nature’s ever-arising frequency in springtime. Paradoxes abound!l Embrace them! Including this one, the limbo land between sovereignty and slavery.

For though it may be true …

. . .meanwhile we seem to be stuck inside a sticky goo. Martin Geddes details our situation:

Learning to Love the ‘Liminal Limbo Land”


“One minute you are reading about cataclysmic pole shifts, hidden civilisations and erased history, and amazing technologies that have been withheld from us. The next you are trying to figure out how to sort your household garbage into the various recycling and waste categories that the powers that be define, which is probably just a compliance exercise and of little real environmental benefit. The extreme and the mundane are in constant juxtaposition.”


“It has been a very weird time in this limbo land between the initial awakening of MAGA and Q, and the final complete awakening of humanity to its hidden enslavement via subverted language, misapplied law, usurious money, corrupt religion, and pervasive indoctrination. I am slowly learning to love this odd time, difficult as it may be, for it will soon pass, and its uniquely transitory nature lost.”


Can you imagine waking up now from a short-term coma?

The kids are still very much in danger. And it’s not “just” child trafficking, pedophilia, torture, murder, adrenochrome — for the perpetrators’ goals of immortality on the one hand, and blackmail on the other; it’s the transgender/transhumanist/technocratic agenda that aims to utterly erase the di-morphic human form. Period. SO THAT CONFUSION WILL REIGN.

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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