Mars/Jupiter conjunction heralds this day

This morning, at around 5:30 AM, for the first time since I got puppy Scampi three weeks ago, I happened to go outside, stand on the porch while waiting for him — when I was suddenly moved to look up:  WOW! Two bright stars, one large, one small, VERY close together — not only exactly conjunct, but appearing at the same declination. WOW. Then, well of course! It’s the Mars (small) Jupiter (large) conjunction, exact today, August 14, at 16°40 Gemini. Furthermore, right now, at around 11:30 AM, six hours later, they are just about to be exactly opposed to the quickly moving, now at 15° Sagittarius Moon. Meanwhile, they are also, both of them, square Saturn at 17°48 Pisces, and forming a square with Venus, now at 11°43 in Virgo.

In other words, thanks to the Moon which briefly completes the formation, today features a grand cross in mutable signs, emphasizing, exaggerating, disclaiming, the workings of our minds — how we pick up, name, process, and interpret our perceptions of the world. So if you feel a bit goofy today, with an energized (Mars) expansive (Jupiter) mind that nevertheless feels constrained, and even confused (Saturn in Pisces), and with a continuous, nearly obsessive need to analyze, figure out, discern what’s true and what’s bullshit, thanks to Venus in Virgo closing in on opposition to Saturn, well, no wonder!

Today’s Mars/Jupiter conjunction at 16°40′ translates into Gemini sabian symbol for 17°.


Well, all I can say, re the above is, LET’S HOPE SO!

Placing this mentally tense and thrumming mutable grand cross (Mars/Jupiter square Saturn opposed Moon square Venus) in a larger perspective, here’s Maureen Richmond, speaking about the 20 year Jupiter/Saturn cycle as critical background to mid-August, 2024.

Me again:

Remember the last Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, exactly at 0° Aquarius, on the Winter Solstice 2020? I sure do. We were excited, assuming the much lauded Aquarian Age was upon us; instead, we were were about to head into the mind-controlling, fear-based, covid con psy-op. Now, four years on, thanks to massive die-offs, plus turbo cancers, pericarditis, and the like, more and more people who formerly trusted Big Gov, Big Med, Big Media, and Big Ed to do what is best for us, are actually waking up. Welcome, folks, to the Great Awakening.

In this context, I have a sense that Trump’s Monday evening, delayed (transit Mercury is retrograde . . .) conversation with Elon Musk, which gained one billion viewers within hours, the section that concerns the massively overrun border, may have been deeply enlightening to a great percentage of those whose brains, until now, have been calcified by TDS.

Yes, we are in the opening square of the latest Jupiter/Saturn cycle now, punctuated by warrior Mars conjuncting Jupiter, in GEMINI. “News,” both real and fake, is spurting every which way. There is no stopping it.

The apocalypse (the revealing) is upon us.

Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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