Martin Geddes: Using AI to parse the Theology of Q

Want to test your mettle? I dare you to read all the way through this Martin Geddes Chat GPT offering:

The Theology of Q


I discovered Martin Geddes back when he was on the old pre-Elon twitter. That was soon after I discovered “Q,” which was only a few days after those punchy, enigmatic “drops” began, on October 28, 2017. While my memory is hazy, I do know that at some point Martin was summarily dropped from the old pre-Elon twitter, which to me, was devastating, since I so much depended on his specific twitter input.

For me, not much else on twitter was of value back then. Martin’s posts stood out like a beacon. Now? The sheer amount of fascinating input from all sorts of sources on twitter/X boggles not just the mind, but the heart and gut. Indeed, for many of us, X is the principal news source. Nothing else comes close.

I just checked. Martin Geddes is on twitter/X again. Plus, I’m already “following” him. (Then why hasn’t the algorithm delivered his posts to me?) Oops. Almost got roped into going through all that he’s put up in just the past two days . . .

Yes, knowledge, or at least information (plus “mis” and “dis”) has not just endlessly proliferated, but is continuously exploding/imploding — bomb after bomb after bomb. Nobody can “keep up.”

(Time to refocus attention on what matters, what really matters to me, what I can actually work with, here at home . . . “she” says, as she writes this post dealing with what’s out there, rather than what’s in here . . .)

Okay, fast forward to now, post Chat DPT being dropped, hugely, and summarily, into the public arena. About a year ago that was, I think. Two years ago? In any case, here’s Martin Geddes now, asking perhaps the most meaningful question possible, of ChatDPT, to see what would come up. An amazing read. Takes forever to go through and absorb. 40 million PhD dissertations could be based on the material he extracts, thanks to Martin knowing the kinds of questions to ask, the kinds of “prompts” to give.

This excerpt, near the beginning, sets the stage:




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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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