Looking back on yesterday’s post, I see myself as a fool — once again. I assumed that there was no good reason for withholding the Epstein files, especially after both Bondi and Patel said they would be released, one day one.
But now I recognize that there are probably plenty of “reasons,” some of them even reasonable.
Lots of twitter/X posts point to that “fact,” if indeed it is one.
Oh, but . . . what? It’s going to be released Saturday at noon? No. Friday at noon. (Bondi has said both at various times.)
No. Tomorrow! Meaning, today.
Notice my cynical tone? You’re right, my disappointment has run so deep and for so long, that I have been rendered seemingly impossibly PTSD’ed.
On the other hand, what has my disappointment been based on? Well, I guess, er a . . my own collection of “facts,” the ones I thought important at the time, and so saw them as dots to connect and form patterns. Maps. To help me navigate. So I don’t feel so helpless, so lost.
Please! Let’s just make sense of what’s going on!
I think back to January through May of 2021, when various folks (the ones we now call “influencers,” including Juan O Savin), assured those of us who recognized the 2020 election must have been fraudulent, because there was no way Basement Biden could garner 80 millions votes, that the vote would indeed be declared fraudulent. I remember being dangled, on a hook, all those months, fully expecting an overturn, at least by April 1, April Fools Day! Expecting the supreme court to not issue “no standing,” on and on. Such a travesty. Who could trust anything after that extraordinary cultural gaslighting era?
‘Twould be much better if I just remembered, especially during this confusing time, this: Five planets, plus North Node, just happen to be located in Pisces.
Here they sat, as of early this morning, with Moon at 2° approaching New Moon with 9° Pisces Sun. Plus: Saturn, Mercury, North Node, Neptune, all in order. That’s five planets plus future-oriented North Node crowded into a rare 26 degree Piscean span.
So, PISCES: Yes. Confusing as hell. “Facts” dissolve into the ongoing mess. Any framework my mind seeks to create melts into swirling emotional currents above, below and within whatever I’m trying to see, to get a bead on, to “get clear,” to “make a point.” Mea culpa.
Now add to that one more planet, at 12° Gemini, another mutable sign, but this one not emotional, but mental. And which planet is it? Why, expansive Jupiter! Squaring (in friction with) both Sun and, closer and closer, Moon! Info, misinfo, disinfo — endlessly spilling out from everywhere, all the time, all at once.
And yes, the current planetary array does make me wonder: will the Epstein files be dropped today, on the New Moon? At or around 7:44 PM this very evening? And will this drop actually signify a new beginning?
Next question: what kind of new beginning? Well, given that Pisces is the context, then a new beginning for visions, intuition, dreaming, imagination, faith in things unseen. Trust. “The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing.” — Blaise Pascal.
Sabian symbol 10° Pisces (next whole degree from 9°41 Pisces):
Yes, lots and lots of ground-obscuring clouds. So, how to fly above the ever-proliferating, canceling clouds?
Jupiter rules the opposite sign to where it presently sits in ground-based Gemini: Sagittarius, the sign that rules larger, more philosophical perspectives. Once we see this developing, obscuring situation in Sagittarian terms, we achieve the “40,000 foot view,” and are no longer so bothered by how all our always way-too-tiny theories — like my sudden distrust yesterday, of both Bondi and Patel — are continuously proved false.
Mea Culpa.