MY “Climate Change” Conundrum

Despite my instinctive approval of what DJT appears to be accomplishing as he rushes into his second and final term as president after four years to ponder how he could change it up next time (hint: choose your cabinet carefully, which he appears to have done, despite questions many of us have with Patel and Bondi) so that he wouldn’t be constantly trapped into preoccupation with continuous lawfare, impeachment, and other insidious attacks against him; despite all this, I remain, underneath, deeply suspicious of the overwhelming political power that wealth buys, no matter who has it. Plus, Elon’s AI focus disturbs me no end. Are we headed into technocracy, a full-on surveillance state? It really does feel like no matter how much it appears that the two of them actually are beginning to dismantle the deep state (Department of Education plus USAID currently on the chopping block), I keep wondering who, actually, is pulling Trump/Elon’s strings? Are they puppets too? If so, willing puppets? If so, of whom, human beings in the shadows, even higher up? Or, worst, most paranoid, case scenario: Off-planet or below ground “reptilians” for whom Earth is but a farm, and we, its cud-chewing animals, to be harvested?

And, if the two of them are also puppets, do they even know they are puppets? I keep wanting to see individuals in terms of basic ethical values; and if they don’t know they are puppets, then I can at least appreciate them, empathize with their effort.

Meanwhile, I want to widen my lens, so that I don’t end up simply circling the inside of my own tiny silo. Today, I decided to read the new substack of Daniel Pinchbeck.

Pinchbeck is someone whose views I used to go along with wholeheartedly, until I switched, from left to right, as the Democratic party got more and more “out there.”

(When exactly, did I make the switch? I wish I knew. It’s hard to say. Though I do know it had something to do with the reversal of my opinion of Hillary Clinton, formerly my feminist heroine.)

But then, or I should say now, post-election, more and more, I want to not just straddle the divide between right and left, but to encompass it in a larger understanding. And to do that I need to begin by paying attention to those who, when I identified with the right, I saw as my enemies . . . . So, to Pinchbeck:

Lets End Empathy and Shorten People’s Lives


I do so appreciate much of what concerns him. But then, I got to the part that concerns his seemingly automatic assumption of “an approaching climate apocalypse.”

Oh dear, here we go again, I thought. I just can’t read any further.

Checking in with twitter/X, this, immediately. Check it out. Bullshit. No drop in sea level.

Seeking to buttress this opinion, I went on twitter/X, and searched for “climate change.” Post after post indicating it is utter bullshit. Or at least that’s where the twitter/X algorithm took me.

(On a related theme, I remember back about seven years ago, speaking with a permaculture teacher, who mentioned the growing, supposedly horrific carbon dioxide overload. But then I asked, but don’t plants need carbon dioxide to grow? This brought him up short, but not for long. He replied something like “yes, but not too much,” and changed the subject.)

Okay Ann. Return to Daniel Pinchbeck one more time. Let’s look at the url he points to to buttress his view.

Whew! Is he right?

What’s the truth? No idea. I plod along, attempting to be the best I can be no matter what. My recognition that I’m due to die soon, within 15 years, is no consolation since I can’t help but hope for an intact, flourishing planet for my grandkids.








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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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