Neptunian Reflections on first day of Sussmann Trial: “Our FBI”????!!!??

Note: see yesterdays post.

I was wondering how to make clear to readers just how uncanny is the fact that yesterday’s exact conjunction between Mars and Neptune at 25° Pisces just happened to also exactly conjunct John Durham’s natal Sun, but then got interrupted by a totally unexpected interpretation of two words in the opening remarks of the prosecution in the Sussmann trial: “our FBI.” 


I will return to the uncanny in a minute, but meanwhile, here’s a very interesting post that aims to now have the key as to the entire strategy of the prosecution. And if you’re like me, you’re going to feel, shall we say, devastated?

Special Prosecutor Frames the Background of the Sussmaann Case, the FBI Was Manipulated, Duped by the Clinton Campaign

So, according to Sundance (who tends to be a doomer, BTW), that phrase “our FBI” signalled that this trial is going to focus on only a few individuals, and that no governmental structure will be implicated. In other words, from an astrological point of view, Durham’s prosecutorial team is going to attempt to halt the momentum of Pluto in Capricorn’s first return to its natal position to the U.S. chart, during which all governmental structures, whether visible or invisible, are due to be at least significantly reformed, or, if necessary, eviscerated, blasted to smithereens.

If Sundance is correct, then my interpretation of Durham’s motive for narrowing his focus would be that he wants to preserve, as much as possible, the structures of our federal government, while stripping them of the corruption which, he assume, results from the actions of individuals.

So my question, is this possible? While I can admire the idealism of Durham’s Sun in Pisces, spiritual Neptune’s sign, the current transit of Mars to Neptune exactly upon his Sun is, I sense, pushing to reveal how everything and everyone is part of a giant confusing web; that to remove one thread from the web is well nigh impossible without perturbing all the rest.

And, I must say, the Sundance perspective makes me question my own benevolent (naive) interpretation of why Durham didn’t ask the judge to recuse himself, despite an apparent conflict of interest. 

I’ve long been fascinated about how human-made structures, both visible and invisible, inevitably go out of balance, over and over again, and if not continuously corrected, can lose their original purpose entirely, and even end up espousing the opposite of their founder’s intentions. Though much of this dynamic may be due to bad actors who infiltrate the system to deliberately muck them up, even more, I sense, we need to recognize the fact that most humans, at least in western civilization, still worship the notion of “progress.”  That both individually and institutionally, they tend to want to “keep growing,” bigger and bigger, more and more.

Just think. You’ve just gotten a job in some kind of organization. Sooner or later, if successful, you will advance to, for example, department head. In your new position, it behooves you to add new programs, and thus new employees over time, thus demonstrating how good you are at what you do, so that you may advance ever further up the corporate ladder . . . On and on.  Just so do creeping bureaucracies insidiously devour whatever is around them.

And I’ve long sensed that this western bias towards endless growth is, on a deep unconscious level, due to our linear conception of time as a line pointing from the fixed past through the NOW point into the indefinite future. Despite the fact that each of us, eventually, begins to fade, moving from our prime tp experience decay and the dying process in the cycle of own lifetime, even so, as a culture we remain so terrified of death that we tend to automatically deny or ignore the second half of any cycle.

Even more so now, when transhumanists want to turn us into AI bots not subject to organic processes. Fat chance! And as each of us does indeed end up dead, so do empires die, sooner or later. The much-hyped American Empire, for example, has entered its death throes, that’s for sure; and if our beloved nation is to enjoy another 248 year Pluto cycle, it will be because we’ve learned the limits of  “endless” growth, the limits of that kind of power, and have begun to return to our roots in mother nature where the primal power of Pluto signals the miracle of the life force itself,  through which material forms emerge, grow to prime, decay, and die. No exceptions. Mother Nature knows best.

(I can remember as a kid growing up in the desert of Southern Idaho, how the wild rabbit population would bloom and at peak, begin to decay, due to the coyote population having grown too, due to the growing abundance of rabbits as their prey. So the desert would sway back and forth, too many rabbits, then too many coyotes, on and on, no end to it. Mother Nature knows how to balance, and that balance is always a balancing act, two forces in dynamic tension, back and forth, forever. )

Rather than worship any of our governmental institutions, for example, the FBI, during this very first every-248 year Plutonian opportunity,  let us begin to consider all the structures we have created very carefully, and determine which, if any, actually deserves another cycle.

So. Back to the uncanny (i.e., extremely unlikely!) conjunction I spoke of earlier. In order to even begin to grok just why this three way conjunction at 25° Pisces — two transiting planets Mars and Neptune, and the other a natal point in Durham’s chart — it’s utterly necessary to get in the mental habit of bending all single lines into circles, cycles, spirals; i.e., to appreciate, and begin to automatically think, in cyclical time. As here:

Neptune has an approximate 165 year cycle. Mars has an approximate two-year cycle. Thus Mars conjuncts Neptune about every two years, but it does so each time a few degrees further along in Neptune’s own cycle. Mars conjunct Neptune at 25° Pisces happens how often? About every 165 years . . . I just looked up the last time Mars conjuncted Neptune at or about 25° Pisces, and it was on December 30, 1860, at 26° Pisces.

So you get an inkling of how rare this conjunction at this degree of the zodiac happens to be. Now notice again that John Durham’s natal Sun sits at 25° Pisces, and that it was stimulated by this Mars/Neptune conjunction on the very day that opening arguments for this historic? trial began.

I’m not surprised that I’m now confused (Neptune) by the implications of the Sundance article. And it may be that my own native idealism (Neptune at the midheaven of my chart) deceived me, filtered my perceptions through rose-colored glasses.

Sundance had another very interesting observation, which we need to keep in mind:

And finally, Robert F. Kennedy, on page 254 of his devastating book on individual and institutional corruption, The Real Anthony Fauci, quotes a less famous section (on page 254) from the same Eisenhower farewell speech that warned us to guard against the Military Industrial Complex:


2 thoughts on “Neptunian Reflections on first day of Sussmann Trial: “Our FBI”????!!!??”

  1. That the FBI pulled off this scam ‘by the lonesome’ seems highly unlikely and the net may be wider than imaginable.

    ‘Good Guys’ (and ‘Gals’) can be found in the most unlikely places and Team-Durham may have a few performances ‘in the can’ in this Theater of the Absurd, which a few pundits opine is near The End and the part of the show wherein the credits roll.

    Fingers crossed (smile).

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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