Am I the only one for whom things are getting crazier and crazier? No. It’s true for all of us. We all know it. How many of us are able to process the ongoing tsunami? I’m pretty good at continuously improvising a new, larger, deeper, stranger mental handle on all the ghastly revelations flooding the twitter/X zone. In fact, as I said to my son Sean yesterday, have you noticed? At first, when this DOGE drama began, I opened twitter/X eager, expectant, thrilled, every morning, what happened since last night?!? As if, addicted to intensity, I wanted my brain plugged into to an electrical torture apparatus, buzzing shock after shock after shock.

Mmmmm. PTSD. Loosh food.



NOW. About two weeks have flashed by.  The “news” flood is still accelerating — and yet, it’s what I’ve come to expect. Ho hum. No big deal. Does that mean I’ve numbed myself to what’s going on? That I simply can’t take it anymore? That I have been successfully mind-controlled, MK Ultra-ed, roboticized? (Again?) Or has my capacity for this kind of existential/social/political/cultural shock increased to the point where my internal mental framework into and through which it all pours has kept pace with it, expanding enough to hold it all without breaking?

If so, how long will that last? Dunno.

Thank goodness for walks in nature, for yoga, chi kung, tai chi. Without these physical practices grounding me I’d be a goner.

BTW: Check out Mike Benz, on twitter/X. He seems to be able to depict, better than most, the various bits and pieces ratcheting out in separate shocking revelations as all extrusions of what he tends to call the Blob State, for which his long experience seems to have granted him an internal map of how all the various corrupted agencies, departments, etc. combine like a giant hydra-headed mafia, robbing the American taxpayer blind, to pay, and pay off only god knows what and to whom.

What happened to morality? To ethics?

Is it just gone?

I doubt it. Or there would not be such outrage building now in the bloodied body politic.


Meanwhile, here “at home “. . .

I’m having great trouble navigating the internet to pay monthly bills, all sorts of them. Wanted them to be automatically paid, which they were, until the new year turned. Now having horrendous trouble figuring out how to set up automatic payments again on various websites. Probably spent two hours this morning alone on this conundrum already. Have decided to locate their their physical locations in Bloomington and go there in person. Grrrr . . .

Aha! Son Sean just said he’d help me with it after my nap. He does’t need to leave for the bus to Indy airport until 3:30.

So, Ann, nap!


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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