On this 4th of July, Let’s Get and Keep Independence Day REAL!


In other words, let each us recognize self as a sovereign, independent soul, underneath  surface identification as a U.S. “citizen.”

Notice how the word “citizen,” for at least 30 years, has transmogrified into the word “consumer.” (Remember Bush Jr., the day after 911, counseling us to “go shopping”?)

Notice what it implies, to be a sovereign soul underneath surface identification based on desire and/or conditioning, indoctrination of any kind.

Nothing, and no one, has agency over us as sovereign souls.


Unfortunately, most of us have forgotten this foundational fact. As a people, we have grown soft, flaccid, overweight, distracted, overmedicated, bored, anxious, ashamed, guilty, resentful, etc. — and think of 4th of July as a mere “holiday,” (rather than an authentic Holy Day), when we engorge on barbeque and beer,  set off fireworks, and basically, try to forget, for a little while, the lack of purpose or meaning that has infected the body politic as well as our own subdued or furious individual lives.

Do we even deserve this great country? Are there those among us who feel so strongly about the freedom our founding fathers fought for that we would sacrifice our very lives?

Check this out: Proof of how the founding fathers actually felt, pledging their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor while signing the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.


Notice, the Declaration is written in “cursive,” a flowing form of writing that was not included in Common Core, back in 2010, leaving only single-letter “printing.” After all, typewriters wrote faster than by hand, and computers even faster, phones even faster. However, it turns out that right/left brain integration is encouraged by cursive, unlike left-brain only, single-letter, printing. It’s as if confining writing to printing was/is one of the ways we are being reduced to transhumanist bots. Devaluing cursive is part and parcel of the mind/body split that has proven itself increasingly diabolical ever since Descartes, his: “I think, therefore I am.” Translation: “therefore only my (left brain) thinking is me.”

NOT! Left brain confines us within a lonely conceptual/linguistic helmet. Right brain, on the other hand, source of intuition, opens to both the heart and to the universe.

However, guess what? Good news.

Ever notice how you remember notes you’ve taken by hand, rather than storing them on computer or phone? I sure do. Plus, cursive forces me to slow down, resonate with the vibration coursing out through my fingers.

I can even read the Declaration of Independence as posted above, if I can stop myself long enough to peer into it.

Here’s a draft version of part of it, easy to read by us old fogies who find cursive utterly natural.

As we continue to slog through the first ever return of primal, death/rebirth Pluto to its own natal place in the U.S. chart for July 4, 1776, will the U.S. rebirth itself? Correction: will we the people rise up from our latte-laden screen and seats to truly embrace the miracle that the founding fathers gave their all to birth, our beautiful homeland, no matter what the cost?

The jury’s out at this point.

However, the signs are good, or at least they appear to be. I would not say “proofs,” however . . .

SGT Report: 11 Proofs Power Is Being Returned to the People

Yes, let’s activate our own full aliveness, each of us; at least, and maybe especially, in our own localities. And as we do, let us remember to get and keep our own individual, independent, sovereign center, so as to constantly and dynamically come into balance — inner and outer, above and below, left brain and right brain, mind and heart — ie.,  with equanimity, during  the throes of may become increasingly tumultuous times.

It may be that the U.S. will not rebuild from its foundation in 1776. And if not, something else will, something beyond current imagination. 






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