ONLY IN GREEN ACRES: “Okay, well I have the goose now . . .”


‘Twas walking down the street with puppy Shadow this morning when I came across Enaba, about ready to get in her car. She lives with I think it’s five small children, plus her husband and mother in a typical single story Green Acres ranch house, its front yard entirely filled in with all sorts of berry bushes.

Backstory: Many years ago, a crew from Green Acres Permaculture Village walked down to their house with wheelbarrow and tools to help them begin the lasagna process of making beds. As I recall, they had the cardboard ready to go.

(In case you’re confused, the name Green Acres works for both our large neighborhood and our tiny village within it.)

So, At our Community Dinner, last Thursday night, we were talking about their very lively place, and of course, we all wonder what’s in the back yard, which has a closed-in fence. We wonder because we have seen both chickens and, I thought ducks, wandering outside the fence — but it’s geese apparently, because guess what? When I mentioned our wonderment to Enaba this morning, she laughed and told me to google “African Goose Bloomington,” before driving off in her car, late for an appointment.

So I did.

Escaped Goose Found Wandering in Petco Parking Lot Sparks Rescue Effort in Bloomington, Indiana

Update doesn’t mention who the owner is, but now you know.



1 thought on “ONLY IN GREEN ACRES: “Okay, well I have the goose now . . .””

  1. Pingback: LOST AND FOUND: Mystery Goose – greenacresvillage

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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