PAUL CUDENEC OVERVIEW: “one massive world-spanning public-private criminal enterprise”

While I’m not at all convinced that the various interconnected parts of the onrolling totalitarian takeover Cudenec depicts will actually succeed (nor is he), given the squirrely nature of millions of thoroughly sovereign souls, his is the most breathtakingly detailed depiction I’ve ever come across.

Meanwhile, advice to myself:

Hold your center. Ground into this good Earth while reaching for the stars above. Let the Love that fills and fuels the universe pour through your open heart. And do so, right here, at home, in our Green Acres Permaculture Village, in our Green Acres Neighborhood, in our Bloomington Indiana, U.S.A.




I think it is helpful to be able to understand that the thing in question is not some mysterious, shadowy, otherworldly spectre, but a real organisation, a kind of giant holding company whose sheer size and scope makes it very difficult for us little people to see.

It is called by various names – I tend to refer to it as the system, the criminocracy or the single global mafia.

I also like Mees Baaijen’s term “Glafia” (global mafia), but for the purposes of this piece I am going to use the label Zisglom, being an abbreviation of “single global mafia” with an added prefix to indicate the ever-more evident Zionist aspect of its identity.

Zisglom has been built up into its current über-dominant form over a couple of centuries, although on the foundations of pre-existing power structures and networks.

It was constructed with money gained by usury, sharp practice and outright criminality and used this money to buy power, thus enabling it to engineer further means of increasing its financial wealth at the expense of society as a whole.

The euphemisms it uses to describe this parasitical self-enrichment, the bleeding-dry of nature and people for its own interests, are “progress”, “growth” and “development”.


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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