PEDOPHILES RISING? Halloween Horrors, Part 2: Paul Pelosi

I’m a fool for assuming that I might be able to get my head around this vipers nest, this confusing concatenation, this swirling mix of utterly peculiar details that, taken one at a time, or even altogether, what do they add up to? Why did outside security alarms not go off when the attacker approached and then shattered the glass? Who opened the door to the homeless attacker? A third person in the home? Later: who opened the door to the police? The glass was shattered and fell on the outside, not the inside. What does that mean? (Actually, if you look closely, it fell on both sides, and it makes sense that, as the attacker, now in custody has alleged, he used the hammer to shatter the glass near the door handle (and presumably, that way, reach in and unlock it).

More: how did the attacker know which bedroom to find Pelosi in?

One hammer or two?

And, returning to the mystery of the outside doors, as I asked above, who opened it to the police? Pelosi? But wasn’t he standing back with the attacker, both of them gripping the hammer with one hand and the attacker gripping Pelosi’s forearm with his other? And finally, last but not least, how in hell were the police not able to intervene quickly enough to prevent the attacker from bashing Pelosi’s skull with the hammer?

Oh wait. More: Pelosi called the attacker a “friend,” said his name was “David” on his 911 phone call. Huh?

Well, that detail segues into what just about everybody who has been paying attention assumed when some reports mentioned that both Pelosi and “David” were in their underwear. Gay sex. Sex for hire. A gay sex scene gone wrong. I certainly thought that must be the case.

But this next article, by Michael Schellenberger, which I read when it came out, stuck in my craw, though I tried to ignore it at the time.

And yesterday, I discovered that Glenn Beck has a very convincing video featuring Schellenberger, whose view is that all the weirdness can be explained if you see David dePape as “in the grip of an underlying psychosis” ( interpreted as “political fanaticism), driven insane by psychedelic drugs perhaps, but in any case, unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. And that he’s been that way for at least ten years. This, besides being a nudist, homeless, illegal alien (from Canada; his visa had expired years ago) pedophile whose political views seem to have recently? switched violently from left to right.

Okay. Enough. Please listen to or read the transcript.

Okay, couple that with the fact that dePape is an illegal alien, whose visa expired years ago. And that in this, he mirrors thousands of others still flooding into this country, thanks to Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic cabal.

The Schellenberger interview points out that the addition of a political overlay to this brutal incident, especially that of trying to paint dePape as a MAGA Republican, is basically crazy in its own right. Instead, see him as an insane person, and even the underwear makes sense. He had told Pelosi that he was tired, wanted to lie down and take a nap . . .

In any case, even if Schellenberger’s view of events is correct, I’m still left with questions: 1) the timing of this event, barely one week prior to the election, possibly with Dems hoping to use it to gain sympathy by painting MAGA republicans as violent extremists, is suspicious. 2) why was security around the property not activated? 3) why have there been no videos from any security inside or outside the house allowed to be viewed by the public. (This fact reminds me very much of Jan 6 . . ., the thousands of videos not allowed as evidence.) Why did this crime scene get almost immediately also turned over to the feds, who might well bury it? More: who is responsible for the recently put up websites that attempt to paint dePape as MAGA?

I can’t help but get the gut feeling that perhaps dePape was MK Ultra mind controlled; that this event was indeed a false flag distraction, planned, designed to gain Dem voters just before the most important election in U.S. history. But by whom? White hats? Knowing that reflections on the event would spiral out of control and actually backfire to hurt the Dems, especially the illegal alien theme? Or, alternatively, black hats? Using this event as one more opportunity to confuse and demoralize the public into utter submission?

Okay. Here’s one final perspective, astrological. I set this chart up for 2:23 AM, when Pelosi is said to have called 911.

Here’s what fascinates me. This chart configuration features what I call the “triangle of continuous growth,” something I named decades ago, since it helped me explain my own chart, and my lifelong bias, once awakened, that I must continue to grow, and that all my experiences will feature this requirement — friction, which spurs adjustment, and results in harmony.

In this case, like in my own, there are two triangles of continuous growth (each of which must feature a (frictional) 90° square, a 150° inconjunct (of continuous adjustment), and either a (harmonious) 60° sextile or a (harmonious) 120° trine. In this chart, the inconjunct between primal power Pluto and impulsive volatile Mars serves as the backbone of both triangles of continuous growth. Here they are, in the abstract (please forgive my tremulous writing):

Note the conjunction between 29° Neptune and 23° Jupiter, both in Pisces, providing fertile source of continuous confusion during these days, especially when square to 25° Mars in Gemini, which loves to communicate “facts.” Add 27° Mercury in Libra to the mix, providing lots of occasions for one to one communication with vociferous Mars, but square to 26° Pluto in Capricorn which, as usual, seeks to hide secrets that Mars, in its inconjunct to Pluto forces into the light anyway.

I have a sense that this one event will be spewing its tiny poisonous shards in all sort of directions for some time to come, aiding to expose and fracture systems of corruption that have been in place for centuries. Given the larger context — of gay sex (Pelosi: remember that a young man, not identified, was with him in his recent car accident); of political and financial power (Pelosi’s wife Nancy is third in line for the U.S. Presidency, and has been feeding Paul inside trading info for years); of a nation overrun by floods of illegals; by the uprising of horrifying drug, alcohol and other substance abuse addictions that feed into rising homelessness; and finally, the kingpin of all, pedophilia, which has become such an overt topic at this point that hearing of David dePape’s incestuous pedophilia with his own children hardly makes us bat an eye.







2 thoughts on “PEDOPHILES RISING? Halloween Horrors, Part 2: Paul Pelosi”

  1. Just to add another knicker twist…Paul P. was born female and is ‘inverted’ as are all the people pranced before us….they live the baphomet life and our adoration is idol worship. For more, try Secret Inversion channel on TG. Once you go to the heart of their ‘religion’ there is no fooling yourself anymore. Bones don’t lie. Enjoy. Hate not the messenger!

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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