Personal Reflections on the LA Fires (thanks to Mel Gibson’s remark about his “stuff”)

As I continue with my part-time, long term “Recapitulation” Project (nine years now, I’m embarrased to say) to archive the hundreds of essays I’ve written over the decades, some collected into e-books, both published and unpublished, I’m also highly aware that this is a vanity project, i.e., an old woman’s silly attempt to make the part of me that I identified with most during this lifetime, my MIND and its productions, immortal.

Fat chance!

On the other hand, I consider the project worthwhile, since I’m among the very few who actually work with both left and right brains at once, and have done so for nearly 50 years, weaving personal stories into philosophical themes, with the entirety often intuitively rushed through from the ethers.

As a certified “PhD in philosophy,” one would think my (positivist) training would have succeeded in brainwashing me to ignore the personal part (not to mention the intuitive part!) — but no, that aspect is to me the most important; what I personally share with the world, what is unique to my own singular “point of view,” (point from which I view the world) — so why not make that obvious to others! None of us is the same, and yet all of us, if we are conscious and aware, are identical in our totally unique points of view fed by our continuous attempts to integrate body, mind, soul, and spirit within the interruptive “flow” of the endless difficulties and conundrums of daily life on earth.

Mel Gibson said something on twitter about the fire that totally destroyed his home during his bomb-dropping interview with Joe Rogan. Said he didn’t mind, because now he could start over. “I’ve been relieved of the burden of my stuff.” He then mentioned George Carlin . . .


AMEN. And that goes for mind-stuff too. And yet, I carry on, because that, appears to be what enriches my life at this late age, to poke through memories, as I wrote them down way back then, discovering their fascination, how this Life on Earth has served, over and over again, to actually teach this stubborn, prideful soul, especially when I refused to learn!

And every single learning, is also a letting go, which in turn yields a surprising rebirth! All at once, over and over again.

If there is one thing that I have been learning all along, through this endless Plutonian process: it’s this:



Here’s another way of drawing the same conclusion:



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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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