Post-Speech Assessment: DON COLOSSUS

Lying in bed last night, I was able to listen to probably half of Trump’s long-awaited speech before drifting off.

What struck me: Trump, more and more, seems nearly immortal. Despite the scandalous dozen diet cokes daily and very little sleep, his energy appears utterly indefatigible. The bigger the goal he sets for himself, the more energy he has to accomplish it, no matter how long it takes. Not only does he not seem to age, but even more impressive: he’s still growing, by leaps and bounds, to encompass more and more of what has turned out to be his massive life purpose, thanks, he says, to God letting him know just how much he’s needed now.

How many 78-year-olds are even cognizant, much less still growing? How many humans of any age dare to even imagine, much less set about to accomplish, a purpose as monumental as Trump’s seems to be. Indeed, it may be true, what he said last night, that’s he’s now #1 with George Washington #2.

As much as I cringe to witness yet another proof of his narcissism, I also cannot help but applaud his total, unmitigated audacity. I said it during his first term, and I’ll say it again, with even more surety: Trump is a colossus striding across the globe.

Clandestine’s assessment focuses on how the Democrats seem to be broken.


Trump himself weighed in:

Sad. The same split here, in this town, and even in my household. Solution? What I have been intoning ever since the covid con. Let’s just stay with what we have in common.

Trump argues for common sense. Perfect. We need to realize that, despite Descartes’ 17th century philosophically imposed body/mind split, we DO have sensing in common, our common sensing, what holds us together underneath our surface differences. The vast collective unconscious mind. The zeitgeist holding us all, all sides, all  political and other splits, are included in its loving embrace.

And one more, from Martin Geddes, who cryptically widens the view:


1 thought on “Post-Speech Assessment: DON COLOSSUS”

  1. Your post talks of how our President is led by and exhibits “common sense”. I would argue that NO ONE ALIVE believes that tariffs on our biggest trading partners is common sense. It’s a fact that is absolutely indefensible. The GOP has lost all sense of balance due to their absolute fear of not being re-elected. I believe in many of the acts of our President but tariffs is not one of them. He quickly retracted the auto tariff today.

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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