Amazing discovery . . . or is it? Actually, it’s what does happen, and has happened, over and over again in my very long life.

And yes, it’s perfectly natural for this to happen, even though, just before I discover it again, usually, I simply can’t imagine something even worse preoccupying me. Here’s what I mean:

This morning, at 7 AM, I did the usual, got clean clothes and went to take a shower. That’s my routine. Daily. First thing.

Note: I always think, during times of struggle, “thank god I have routines! patterns, to keep me on track!” And as my teacher once intoned, “Routines build character.” So what kind of character did I want? Well, good character, virtuous character. Okay. Then let go of smoking. Oops! That took me until I was 39 years old. No matter how hard I tried to stop, I failed, until that miraculous moment when I “gave the problem to my higher self.”

How I Stopped Smoking

A Metaphysical Approach to Addiction

Just because I finally succeeded in releasing one addiction, however, does not imply that I released the tendency to addiction. No. I’m an addict, through and through. What has changed is the nature off my addictions. Except for my root addiction to “the news” (since I was five years old), I choose good addictions, ones that build character. Good routines! Like walking, yoga, chikung, taichi!

Okay. Well, lately I’ve found myself more and more disturbed by inner issues. Basically, and to put it bluntly, how to get all that I want to done before I die? Is this even remotely possible? If not, why not give up some of my goals? But if I do, which ones? Constant perplexity. Then: Oh, do I really have to? No. I can do it. I can accomplish them all.

On and on, over and over again, I go round and round with myself inside.

Much depends of course, on just when I do die. If I have another ten years (likely, with my genetics and lifestyle), then I CAN get everything done, I assume. Like a fool. Who knows? of course. One never knows. Plus, the whole world could blink out at any moment, says this lifelong apocalyptist.

Okay, so this early morning, after a very fitful night, I was facing a very full day of promised (to others) deadlines, after managing to postpone them all for one week, until my son Sean left, which he did, late yesterday. Full of trepidation, and yet determined, I grabbed my clothes to take a shower, went into the bathroom, threw clothes on floor, sat on the toilet and took a poop.

Then, getting up, I flushed the toilet . . . Or I tried to. It was sluggish, didn’t really go down. I flushed again. Oops! This time the brownish water went up almost to the rim. Oops! Got a bowl from the kitchen and gingerly scooped some of the brackish water into it, put it in the tub to drain. Hmmm . . . is the tub really draining? It seems sluggish too, though not as bad.

Flushed it, or tried to, one more time, and this time the brackish water DID overflow, and worse, there was water leaking from underneath.

Okay. Call the plumber.

Which I did. They can’t get here until around noon. Okay. Write note to still sleeping housemates to use the second bathroom in the next door DeKist house (this Overhill house has only one bathroom).

And forget showering this morning!



Now here’s what I want to get to:

During this entire time, about 20 minutes altogether, during which I also went outside to find a decent bucket, in case I needed it, and checked the basement to see that yes, it was leaking down there too, I was perfectly calm, relaxed, my focus like a lazer beam. No biggie. We got this.

And that’s what I wanted to get to in this post. How, during emergencies, we really do “rise to the occasion.” It’s simply human nature to do so. Everything that seemed so important and worrisome just moments ago vanishes into right brain’s abiding awareness utilizing left brain logic.

So then the question becomes, do we have the capacity to utilize to shock to ascend, from 3D to 5D, over and over again, as needed, on a daily, hourly, minute by minute basis, with hopefully, brief periods to rest and recover?

For that likely, is what we are facing during this climactic year 2025, especially once Saturn and Neptune both move from dreamy Pisces to fiery Aries. Because from then on, it’s ignition.

One beautiful use of Pisces during these last few months, when even so, and not just thanks to DOGE, it already seems like lightning change is nonstop: VISIONING. Visualize what we would like to see; who we want to be, both in ourselves and with each other, as humans, on our beautiful planet Earth so teeming with life.

For whatever we dream up, if it is strong enough, and if enough of us do it, that IS what we will set in motion.





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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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