Saturn and Ascendant in masterful Leo, their midpoint exactly square eruptive Uranus in deeply emotional 4th house (of the home) Scorpio. Look out world, this woman is on fire. Plus Moon in fiery, philosophical Sagittarius and Midheaven in fiery new-beginning Aries . . .
Then, there’s Sun, Mars, and Mercury, all in Capricorn, 6th house, where she pays close attention to details, daily practices, schedules; the latter two planets are conjunct (Mars shows forceful delivery of her Mercury speeches), and her natal Sun is being crossed during these years by transit Pluto. She’s coming into her own in a big way now. Look out world.
Jupiter in stubborn, steady Taurus in 10th house. Don’t even try to knock her off her path.
However, and this is good! —
Her Pluto in Libra harmoniously and exactly sextiles Saturn, and both of these planets make a 150° inconjunct aspect to Venus in Pisces. This triangle, called a “finger of god,” here pointing to Venus, indicates that, even while holding her own, she knows how to work with individuals on a one to one basis, is idealistic and visionary, can listen intently, and works to blend individual energies into a group soul.
Here’s The Guardian’s pre-election assessment of Giorgia Maloni. While this publication leans left, and so brands her new political party, Brothers of Italy, “the offspring of fascism,” even so it offers interesting details about her life, including that she’s a single mother, and has been involved in politics since she was 15 years old (half a Saturn cycle). 30 years later (a Saturn cycle in itself), she’s now 45, and at the half-way point of her second Saturn cycle (30 to 60). I have a sense that the next 15 years of fulfilling her second Saturn cycle will see powerful accomplishment from this fierce, fearless woman who the guardian described as “Determined, stubborn, sarcastic, and with a shrewd knack of casting aside her enemies, a trait she developed after being bullied over her weight as a child.”
The Guardian is clearly terrified. Here’s another headline:
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