SOUL-NOURISHING FRUITS of One Totally Sleepless Night

For the past two nights, my sleep has been seriously disturbed. No don’t get me wrong. It’s always disturbed, in that I have to drag my 82-year-old body out of bed to go pee every couple of hours, and/or;  either the cat or the dog or both hop on or off the bed, wanting to go outside, to come inside, over and over again . . .

Two nights ago it was mainly the animals. I even got to the point of wondering if I should find a new owner for  puppy Scampi . . . Hmmm . . . I wonder if he psychically picked up on my pondering, because his behavior completely changed last night. He was very very good. Slept on bed all night long. No insistence on running outside to offer his horrid (to my ears) sharp barking in the usual two-minute barking volley across back yard fence with two invisible next door dogs who are at times let out to pee in the middle of the night.

No. Last night, it was entirely me, my long-standing root addiction to “the news” —  whatever “data points” and ever shifting “perspectives’ I can constantly absorb from afar, mostly, and more and more, via twitter/X. (I never did truth social, telegram interested me for awhile; gab barely at all a few years ago; I figure that if interesting enough, they will all, sooner or later, and probably sooner, end up on X. Thanks to what appears to be Elon’s total rewiring of the planetary “news.”)

In fact, last night was so unbelievable that I did not sleep at all. The podcasts I was listening to were just, plain, way too interesting.

The first was Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, his recent, very emotional, but very aware conversation with one of my very favorite astrologers from long ago (haven’t seen his name mentioned recently), Ray Grasse. Now that I’ve heard Grasse again I remember just how wonderfully broad and deep is his astrological consideration of our human condition. He knows, better than most, that astrology is a universal language that offers, above all, an alternative way of thinking — about a larger, cosmic perspective; one which relies on symbolism, of the planets especially, and especially, of their cycles. Time is not a straight line; time is an ever-swirling spiraling. And Grasse knows it. Through and through. Knows that human “meaning” is constructed via intuitive and/or empirical comprehension of  ever-widening cycles and especially, of the nodes where cycles meet and cross each other; plus how each one returns, over and over again, to where it was before.

What does “before” mean here? Why, it depends on what you are looking for, of course! How large is the pattern you seek to investigate?

Their conversation, roamed through especially the social, political, cultural implications of Pluto’s entrance into airy Aquarius coupled with the soon-to-be return of Uranus, still in Taurus, soon after it moves into airy Gemini, where it was when it was discovered.

Hurriedly jotting down in the dark on screen notes with trembling fingers at 2:30 AM:


spoke of eruption in the zeitgeist without mentioning Neptune, except the day it was discovered in 1864″ (tying it to the Civil War).

BTW: with reference to eruption in the zeitgeist, how’s this for a relevant prediction. Fake news? Fear porn? Today’s “news,” as we thud through the final degrees of eruptive Uranus’s 7 year sojourn through earthy Taurus! . .

Scientists Warn One of America’s Most Volatile Volcanoes is ‘Likely’ to Erupt in the Next Few Weeks

What especially got me, during this interview, which ranged far and wide, was how the emotional volatility of Strieber was balanced and complemented by the calm steadiness of Ray Grasse, as they discussed two of the unbelievably rare and powerful outer planet transitions that are beginning to disturb, in extraordinary ways, what had been the prevailing zeitgeist.

More from my notes:

Uranus returning to its birth (for us, when humans discovered it) in mid Gemini marked the birth of aviation, the beginnings of our technological capacity to lift off the earth into the heavens, with each of its 84 year returns marking even newer technology.

BTW: I just noticed this. TODAY! Haven’t read it yet.

Notes again:

Pluto’s current entrance into collectivist Aquarius, its emphasis on experimentation and especially, the advent of AI.

Both men began speaking about the melding of AI, UFO, telepathy, (what Jake barber calls psionics as interviewed by Ross coulter (haven’t listened to that podcast yet)) and ‘ensouled machines.’ (!!!)

Love Grasse’s stoic attitude. To Strieber’s real fear of humanity being taken over by our technology, Grasse responds, more than once: “There’s always good uses and bad uses.”

Myself, I’ve been pondering the enormous ramifications of yet a third very rare shift of an outer planet from one sign to another. Coming right up: Neptune, moving from 29°59 Pisces to 0° Aries, on March 30 — for the first time in 165 years . . . The fabled Aries point. . . where an entire zodiacal cycle begins yet again.

I say all this as this year’s eclipse cycle begins again, with the Blood Moon lunar eclipse tonight. Will I be able to sleep? To drift into Neptune’s dreamland?


Oh, and I forgot to mention by far the longest utterly obsessed listen of last night: all six episodes of a new, and, unfortunately, for one who is trying to use it to drift off to sleep, much too interesting podcast, BLINK.

The first 29 years of a drug addict’s astonishing life and how he ended up completely paralyzed, in continuous pain, for many long months, unable to even move his eyes, much less speak. Was expected to die, but did not; instead, he found himself in a serious, long-running inner conversation between his anxiety ridden suffering hurt ego (stemming from unprocessed grief from abandonment by mother at the age of four) and his, ever calming higher self  (identified in podcast as dialogue between heart chakra and crown chakra) — an inner dialogue that actually ignited a very slow reversal of the seemingly automatic death course he was told he was on due to his very rare brain disease “caused” by all the drugs.

This turn-around, despite all sorts of both toxic and nourishing people and institutions swirling around, vying for, and abandoning him, despite his massive guilt for having done all those drugs and having dragged others down with him.

Above all, an unusually empathic young man — which got him into way too much trouble, way too early on.

Truly riveting. And makes me look with new, much more empathic eyes at the minute-by-minute trials, in our sadly unbalanced narcissistic society, of all sorts of suffering, addicted, souls.

If there is a quintessential Neptune in Pisces podcast, this is the one! Aside from The Telepathy Tapes, however. Both kept me awake. Period. And both, I’d say are essentially emblematic of the now final stages of dreamy, addictive, swirly, confusing, mass-formationing Neptune in Pisces.



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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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