8/3/22, from Kim
Crazy times, Ann, crazy ass times! Take care of you…we love you and need your words! We need people like you with good sense and the ability to articulate it at the end of whatever all of this is, lol! To Love and Life!!
728/22, from Thymia17
Alain Grootaers interviews Mattias Desmet in a natural setting – and Desmet shares his views about exactly your point! how we are separated from nature & fear death, and to heal & protect from mass formation, we need to get back in nature.
7/15/22, from Bill Warwick
Thank You for explaining so clearly what we are all living through now. I will reread your message tomorrow. But for today it is perfect.
I have followed your thoughts for a couple years now. Please keep sharing your understandings. They are helpful to me and others, I am sure.
7/10/22, from Masud
Thank you Ann, beautifully told story. I have not had the dramatic experience as you but have been brought to the same place of trusting the body rather than blindly following allopathic medicine.
7/2/22, from Janet Sinclair
We are so blessed by the natural world. It is showing us to bloom anyway. Show our colors as we contrast beautifully with the colors of others. The light and the newer vibrations are pushing out the lower vibes. The exposure is assaulting but it is in the throughs of a true death roll. It has to remove itself or become a higher vibration. The Earth is NOT waiting. Nature is showing this in your very gardens, Ann. just wonderful.
7/2/22, from Lorraine
I don’t know what to say…I love your words your work. At least three years now. Every message rings true. I get my energy from my garden too! Thank you Ann.
6/22/22, from Barbara
I agree with Socrates: “no matter how much we think we know, we know that we do not know.” Helps with the objectivity!
I look forward to your posts, Ann, thanks again!
6/15/22, from Sarah
I suppose the word sovereign somehow summarises this movement. That and the revelation that the state is not only failing us (due to whatever ideological position) – with the zoom out we understand that the state – by definition is working against humanity via control, the matrix of enslavement, medical ‘misinformation’, war by design as profit instrument – and/ or ritual sacrifice, where does this begin and end?
I remain politically homeless – and happy to hold competing positions from many sources in my head, without landing, and trusting intuition. But obviously – this is not a socially comfortable place to sit – and more than that – I have limited options for a great conversation! And what a time to not be able to engage in debate – in this (collective) moment of understanding that more or less every aspect of human history is certainly questionable, likely fiction… In fact – fiction and myth is so much closer to our collective truth…
Thanks for this chat Anne – looking forward to more!
6/15/22, from Sarah
I’ve been particularly grateful for your analysis and movement from left to right – whatever these terms actually mean in terms of a world shadow government that are the actual puppet masters here. It takes a real zoom out to understand this, thereafter everything else falls into place. However I’m (still) compelled by the values of what I used to associate with the left: social justice, other identification, rage at structural inequality, environmental destruction, etc. How that’s been instrumentalised and programmed is another debate – and it takes the spiritual zoom out to understand that. I am very grateful to be outside of academia right now – their almost universal response to the covid scamdemic has shamed those institutions and their idea of ‘education’ is evidently no longer fit for purpose.
Your work in writing this blog will have a huge legacy as well as ongoing impact – a record and dialogue with awakened souls through the process of these tumultuous / transformative times.
6/12/22, from Marnie
Thanks for this. You are probably aware of Jon Rappoport’s investigations into the relationship between psychiatric drugs and violence and his admiration of Peter Breggin, MD, psychiatrist who has written extensively about the subject (Toxic Psychiatry and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal are two of his many books). Breggin and his wife, Ginger, are on the case about a lot of what is going on. Thanks for all your inspiring and informative posts. Marnie Vail, MD from Flagstaff, AZ
6/04/22, from Kim
I wholeheartedly agree. Nature is EVERYTHING good! It IS my church. Nowhere else do I feel more connected to All That Is. Especially trees…they literally keep me grounded, above drowning, above it all. I am eternally grateful to Creator for how unbelievably beautiful and perfect Nature is on our beloved planet.
Thanks again, for all of your words, Ann. I love everything you share with us. May you continue to be immensely blessed beyond your imagination by the Nature you are surrounded by.
5/30/22, from Darryl
You popped up, 9 years to locate someone who can speak the language of reality.
5/ 21/22, from Janet
I so appreciate Sean Stone. Also [Amazing ] Polly….and YOU.
5/12/22, from Janet
I was feeling a bit of despair today, so I really appreciate your positive words.
5/02/22, from Alice
Ahh Ann, aren’t you a courageous soul to share your reactivity! I too can be a know-it-all, having spent 10 years digging into disclosure topics and discerning what is truth. And when I speak out, as you did, I too regret it.
I’m much better now at allowing others to be right, because my heart wants to be loving, listening and compassionate. My ego may want to be right, but I want to be happy and hold onto my relationships. But I can still do it, and then I forgive myself and eat some crow.
4/19/22, from Alice
You caught on before me, but now more are doing the same and we aren’t so rogue now. Finally, but at a sad expense to too many the past 2 years.
Always appreciate your posts Ann!
4/01/22, from Masud
Thanks for this post, really resonated with me. I also had a doctor parent and have had to release lot of long-held beliefs around doctors know best and towards trusting my body which is very attuned with my soul.
3/01/22, from Janet
How beautifully written, Ann. I AM feeling compassion. A lot of it. I hope for clarity and transparency…yet, I feel deep within me that the horrors that have been going on under our noses will stun me to the core. Ready or not…….they are coming. I can feel it in my bones.
3/01/22, from Alice
This is so powerful. Thank you Ann for finding and sharing. I needed this :). And thanks for all your musings and insights. They resonate with me again and again. Hugs!
2/28/22, from Lorraine
Thank you Ann. I love your posts.
2/27/22, from Ed
it is refreshing to read a Pluto Return article that is not full of leftist ideology. Thanks!
1/23/22, from Alice
Good for you, Ann; glad to hear you’ll take some breaks from your regimen. Who knows, something else may arise that’s been waiting to be revealed.
45 years ago, I too experimented with LSD, and it opened my mind briefly to higher perspectives and curiosity about truth. And then I spent the next 25 years focused on family and career, while in therapy to heal an abusive childhood. At which point I had a midlife crisis, and I reconnected to my heart and began a spiritual quest that began with those acid trips. I’ve always believed those trips assisted my awakening.
It was fun to read your story and experiences. Congrats on how much you’ve done to pull them all back together.
1/04/22, from Jetpakrat
Ann – this is more of a comment/compliment (assuredly too long whatever it is ? ) for your effort expended sharing information and personal wise and centered views.
To anyone that is following “alternative” forms of news and views none of what is unfolding on the world’s stage is a surprise. Not to rehash the insanity or flash my two farthings – staying fortified against the worst while holding hope, love and light for the greatest good seems to be the only way forward. This is the demise of the corrupt old system of control making way for the enlightenment of equality for all of creation! More than likely this will not be comfortable or pleasant but oh so necessary.
Living the last two decades+ myself adjacent to a sacred system of higher learning (U of A) ahem, I can only tell you how you have been one of my go to examples of the common sense and ability to see past all ingrained/indoctrinated societal/academia conditioning. The fact that no matter backgrounds or former political affiliations those that listen to their heart and the amazing gift of creation have pretty much all reached the same conclusion. We are powerful, we are love.
This does not express my near three year admiration of you adequately but I do know if I keep on trying this will end up an even more so wordy soup of gobbledygook.
In summary – you’re a heck of a gal in possession of a great and inquisitive mind, a strong soul and a mighty heart! Keep on keepin’ on you are much appreciated! Blessed ’22 to you and all that read and feel your truth. Because not to end on a possibly to some, corny note – it truly is – Where We Go One, We Go All.
12/31/21, from John
Thank you for doing this. I have been listening to Clif for over 20 years. I subscribed to his reports from the beginning. I shared them with my Dad when he was 82 and he asked to pay for them ’til his death at 94. I ask my sons to watch clif’s videos and share them with their friends. For some reason they find it very difficult to watch his videos. I think it is the slurping?Please keep up the good work.
12/19/21, from Kim
Happy Birthday dear Ann! I dare say that you are living an extraordinary life and have hit a bullseye on experience and learning from it. I love your articles and love that you are an “older” woman (whatever that means) with the ability to use the wisdom you have gained as a light for the rest of us. I hope that you stay spry and energetic for many years to come!
12/14/21, from Kim
Definitely NOT crazy! You are very, very sane. That is why you stick out like a sore thumb and thank god you do!
12/13/21, from Kim
This is a brilliant article. Thanks for writing it. It has given me many foods for thought and has prompted me to want to know what it is I think/feel about these ponderings you have shared. I love it when something I read ignites a desire within to understand more. Grateful for your words today, Ann!!
12/12/21, from Alice
Wonderful question and inquiry Ann! Bravo for speaking up and questioning the narrative. This is the spiritual journey, I’m realizing, to allow the duality from neutrality. Yes, and. This and the opposite. Just present for both. Non- judgment. Acceptance and allowing. Not entangling or settling. As you say, not easy to maintain, yet it’s a beautiful peaceful practice and opportunity to expand into higher consciousness. Thank you for your musings this morning.
10/12/21 , from EcoTerra
Welcome conscious being and THANKS.
9/20/21, from David
Thanks Ann. That was nice. I’ll be out on my roof the first clear night. Trying to find the Now.
8/25/21, from Lisa
Loved hearing about these synchronicities and have been loving your blog so much. Thank you.