THE INTERVIEW: Is 3D Polarity about to Dissolve?

If so, it will be due to Tucker Carlson’s historic interview with Vladimir Putin, which airs this evening, 6 PM EST. I did DC and Moscow charts for this event. Whew! Uranus rules. See next post.

Meanwhile, geopolitical polarity was instituted in 1947 (the same year the CIA was born) . . .

. . . to, at the very least, keep gobs of secrets, because of . . . wait for it . . . “National Security.”

BTW: 1947 was a year when Saturn and Pluto conjuncted, that time in Leo. Their conjunctions occur once every 36 or so years. The latest was in January, 2020, when the world revved up for the covid con. Here’s one way to characterize their conjunction. Saturn (rule, law, form, structure, goal) combines with Pluto (secretive underworld power, for good or evil). I.e., Saturn makes real, brings into the human world via our “constructions,” the exceedingly powerful, primal energy of Pluto.

This Cold War, this geopolitical polarity, then supposedly ended in 1991, with the fall of the Soviet Union (the Berlin Wall had fallen in 1989) which transmuted then, into the rise of the United States as the world’s only superpower. In other words, instead of Gorbachev’s glasnost (openness) and perestroika (restructuring), instead of the nations of the world learning how to share in a cooperative fashion, we got tyranny. Global tyranny. Everything we have accused Russia Russia Russia of doing for all these decades, the Deep State MIC/Bankster Matrix that governs us was doing. The usual projection, accusing others of one’s own evil deeds.

See this for a timeline of the ending of the Cold War:

But then, as we know, now we are closer to a (nuclear) HOT WAR than ever before, closer even than in the scary days of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I know, because I remember. But this time I do not fear. Rather, I have faith. Faith in humanity to move through this Plutonian death/rebirth process that will take down the old, nearly 80-years-long global polarity, big time. How?

Tucker Carlson is the man! His sudden infectious laugh moves shifts frequencies, moves mountains.

The Biggest Interview of the Year Airs Tonight


Short and succinct analysis:

Love the way Russians understand what is going in this country!

Stop World Control argues that the person Tucker interviewed is Putin.2, a wise, steady, responsible leader, perhaps the only real statesman in the world. And that the original Putin was indeed a WEF bad guy. Shows before and after photos that do appear to beam out two very different human beings.


In any case . . .

Let us rejoice!






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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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