THE WH “INFLUENCER” OP — and what it demonstrates

Re: the title of this post. “WH” refers to White House, not White Hat. I think. Or does it?

Whatever . . .

For if I was “dead wrong” yesterday, it’s likely I’m doubly dead wrong since then. To me, this one photo tells it all.

Yeah, right. Look how happy they are? “Gee whiz! I was one of the lucky ones!”

And who are they, exactly? Why these “influencers” and not others?

Oh? I now hear that all the right-wing influencers “chosen” are zionist-supporting. True? No idea.

And what exactly are these lucky “influencers” holding? Some kind of a dossier that turns out to be a highly redacted “Phase One” nothing-burger, compared to all the stuff re: the Epstein case that’s already online and has been for a long time.

There is, of course, just so much more. See, for example, Celia Farber today, who cannot help but go deeply into the complexities of the ongoing op. Prolific, expansive Jupiter in fact-seeking Gemini square gobs of confusing, melting, “no context” Pisces planets later, this:

This is an immensely long contextualizing post, with all sorts of “evidence” that my eyes just went Piscean blurry in a failed attempt to stay focused. Nope. Couldn’t do it. But I did pick up these three nuggets:

She ends with this;

Simon Groddek sums up his own pov nicely, and offers a photo with a wider view.

So yes, gobsmacked likely twice now. But: what is crucial to remember: the meaning we humans assign to anything that initially puzzles us depends on the size and complexity of the context, or framework, we assign to that one “thing” — in this case, what to make of the White House meeting with selected “influencers” re: the Jeffrey Epstein files.

And, since our schooling, i.e., our indoctrination, teaches us to obey orders, including to (often unconsciously) swallow whole contexts fed to us from external sources, then we’re likely to get gobmacked as a matter of course.

Then, there are the frames that include and interact with other frames, like this one: a Joe Lange post on viewing the White House occasion within a game theory lens:

And of course, let’s not forget Trump’s purported 5D chess, which is supposedly ten steps ahead of anybody else.

For example, this, from this six minutes ago.  Check it out.

I’ll conclude with the two most cynical twitter/X posts I’ve found so far.

David Icke



Or should I conclude with Clandestine’s always hopeful point of view? Nah. Not now. No more time to waste on this latest conundrum, this op.


The point is, as usual, to stop, breathe, connect with earth below and sky above, go about my small personal world with heart open, embracing all and everything. And I mean everything! Everyone! Even the bullshit! Even when I don’t know what is bullshit and what not! Just embrace it, and then let it go. It’s all part of the play of maya in which we, as embodied sovereign souls, are presently immersed.

Besides, doesn’t just the phenomena of seemingly infinite interpretations, dots, patterns, etc. demonstrate the magnificence of human creativity?

I think so. I’m betting on it.








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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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