THE YUCK: Short version, Long version; My version


Short version.

I remember when the “blackmail” lightbulb went off in my mind, heart and soul. It was in April, 2017.

Me: “So that’s what’s used to control pedophiles, both those who more or less covertly, and by choice, fuck children, and likely the much larger group that is coerced, drugged, and then filmed, into fucking children.” (And worse, much worse, I would add now. Cf. SRA, adrenochrome, etc.)

The “pedophile” part, on the other hand, I had known about since reading Cathy O’Brien’s Trance Formation of America, nearly 30 years ago. Blew my whole world apart. Hard to fathom, but the ’60s had turned me into a rabid “feminist” who looked up to Hillary Clinton!

It did take me several years, before I could actually give in and absorb Cathy’s profoundly moving and horrifying memoir.

Geez? What must it be like for “normies” to wake up now, inside the accelerating apocalypse?


The Long Version

Frances Leader on the Black Nobility

I thank my dear old friend Janet for sending me this amazing post that puts the three “city states” — which I’ve known about for years —London (financial), the Vatican (religious), and DC (military) — into a much deeper historical perspective



My Version

For months, stuck in my daily routines, I’ve waffled, undecided. Then, just this morning, I said to myself, “Yes, do travel to Fort Wayne IN (three hours away), for the upcoming (June 28-30) regional Dances of Universal Peace weekend. Get off addictive screens and into the enfolding arms, once again, of our sweet, brief, social and spiritual communion.

Even though, unfortunately, and of course, the Covid Scamdemic put us on “opposite sides of the fence,” which meant that, as a non-tested, non-masked, non-vaxed pariah, I wrote off the Dances completely. A judgment which darkened my soul.

Time to let go of all the YUCK that I bring to the table, too.


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