Looking over Martin Geddes substack today, where he prompts chatDPT to identify and describe ” five different levels of awareness (of what’s really going on in the external world) — or, what he calls levels of “sovereign cognition,” in this new kind of “5th generation” warfare for our minds.
These levels run from totally Naive to Mastery and, damn it! — I realize once, again, today, that after 82 years of life on earth, a PhD in philosophy (with emphasis on epistemology!), and I’d say a “pattern seeking” (i.e., paranoid) left brain for at least 50 years, I still get stuck between levels 2 and 3, though glimmers of 4 do poke through. Mastery, however? totally out of my league.
Here’s why I say that today: I sense a contradiction between the level I want to at least aim at (5) and something I appear (to myself) to be in total agreement with: Paul Craig Roberts view of free speech, and how, in the case of so-called “anti-semitism,” it is being utterly ignored.
Not that I understand anything about Israel, and whether or not people who live there are really semitic; and who the “Jews” really are, if they exist at all; or why and how, really, Israel came into existence . . . On and on. Despite everything I’ve read, everything “jewish” continues as a total enigma to this old woman who was not told, in youth, that she, is, thanks to her mother’s last name “Rosenberger,” supposedly, Jewish?
Yeah, what the hell does that mean? And who cares. It’s time we drop such bodily (including DNA) identifiers that tend to categorize us, divide us, capture us, conquer us as we blindlyg fight each other inside and between our ideological and “identity” cages, forgetting all the while that each is a sovereign soul, united with all.
If it’s true that something or someone “higher” “controls” us foolish humans, and, not incidentally, feeds off our PTSD loosh, then our woes are likely the source of both gratification and mirth.
Meanwhile, yesterday, Israel launched new strikes on GAZA, vitiating the peace treaty and killing nearly 400.