Hey folks, if you’re like me, you’re being extra-careful today. Full of care. Caring. Heart-centered. Aware. Awake. And Allowing. Whatever is meant to happen, will.


On this Full Moon in Leo day (6:53 AM EST) which, at 24°06 Leo just happens to create an extremely tense and near-exact triangle — a T-cross with two squares (90° angles) from end points of Sun/Moon — with its arrow targeting transit Uranus at 23°20 Taurus; which itself just “happens” to be sitting directly on my 23°02 natal Taurus Moon, mightily disturbed for the past 18 months, ever since transit Uranus began to criss-cross over that point. Why? Because that happens to coincide with the time when my now 59-year-old son Colin Cudmore suddenly suffered a near-fatal aortic dissection of both ascending and descending branches, and, unfortunately, ever since then he has been left paralyzed from the waist down with severe, more or less extremely painful nerve damage.

So here we are. Mother and son. Moon represents one’s mothering capacity, especially Moon in Taurus does, since it’s exalted in that sign. Very glad my Moon IS in that sign, since, at this time in my long, long life, having had plenty of decades to alchemize my fiery nature, it gives me much more determination and staying power than most Moon positions.

Colin’s dear older brother Sean has been here for five days now, and leaves tomorrow to fly back to Boulder, Colorado. What kind of future is in store for Colin is still largely unknown. Welcome to Full Moon in Leo, square Uranus, on your Moon, Ann!

Sabian symbol for 24° Taurus (next whole degree for both my natal Moon, and transit Uranus now) doesn’t even pretend to sound like fun. (The mothering history of this fiery triple Sagittarian (Sun, Ascendant, Mars) was fraught with struggle when they were young: I left them with their father when they were 6 and 8 years old, seeing them only in the summers.)


Thank goodness for Rudyhar’s somewhat optimistic interpretive keynote! The aggressiveness of human instincts, when fighting for their earthly base of operation. 

So yes,  both Sean (with five planets in Taurus) and I are engaged in a long-term fierce fight for our (including Colin’s) earthly base of operation. Every day, just what will happen next, or in the near future, changes unpredictably. Will he be able to come his house (next door to my house)  some day, assuming we rehab it for his wheelchair? If so, when? In two months, six months, two years? Or will he end up in a handicapped apartment instead? Are there any available in town? Will the three of us end up in Boulder together? The situation is very uncertain, very Uranian; no stability, no real plans possible, due not to his paralysis, but to his unrelenting, unforgiving nerve pain.

Nevertheless, I appreciate this Leo meme, especially in the current political context:

On the other hand, Ann, no matter what the context, personal or political, stay awake! Stay aware!








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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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