TRUST TRUMP? A continuing series . . .

Note: See three recent posts.

Less and less baffled, more and more needing to view Trump’s blitzkrieg in 5D terms. Not that he’s 5D, but that I am or need to be in order to stay sane. Over the weekend, during which I was, blessedly, off-line, I return to this:

Ethnic Cleansing Feared as Trump asks Jordan, Egypt to Take Gaza Residents


Yeah, just move ’em out. That land is Israel’s now; on the way to Greater Israel. We’ll build a smart city in Gaza, or drill for oil there, or whatever? That land is valuable; those people are not; they’re just in the way.

But then, what did we Europeans do when we got here to America? We moved Native Americans out, set them on long, tragic marches elsewhere, corralled them into areas that held no value for us, and then broke treaty after treaty.

Just like NATO did with Russia, vowing not to move an inch closer to the east, when was that? And we still wonder why Russia finally had to put its foot down in Ukraine?

What’s changed? What ever changes on planet Earth?

Plus, Trump’s now sending 2000 bombs to Israel.

It does appear that he’s caught in the Zionist trap, and can’t get out. Does he even want to?

Who amongst us is NOT compromised in some manner or other? The only difference being just how much damage  our particular compromise does to others as well as to our own individual sovereign souls.

I try to stay there, recognizing the dark/light nature of each of us, attempting to stay with my own contradictions, master myself, integrate myself!

But then . . .

Check out this entire thread. If true, then perhaps what Trump is doing now with Israel is some kind of set-up? — part of Q’s “Save Israel for last” — given that he’s releasing the JFK, RFK assasination files?

In short, JFK aimed to stop Israel from getting nuclear weapons . . .


Wait. WHAT?


Now let’s circle back to the technocratic takeover, shall we?

BEAST SYSTEM: Here’s the Plan

It’s well to remember;

The key is, “they” can only succeed if each of us gives up our individual sovereignty. The more of us who refuse to do so, the less likely “they” will succeed. After all, even though the covid con brainwashed the vast majority, there was a certain small percentage of us who refused the con. We will need to refuse this vastly more complex one too, no matter how much it cuts into our more or less comfortable way of life. And to do this we will also need to get active, announce our presence, and our refusal, rather than, like with the covid con, simply look on silently, waiting, hoping for it to blow over.

This will not blow over. And though I may be wrong about Trump, in that his knowledge of facts on the ground is much larger than mine could ever be, still, I’m an embodied human being, and I sense that I recognize this body as a part of mysterious Nature much more than he does. And because I do, I’ve got the edge over his apparently mechanistic, materialistic world view.



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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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