TRUST TRUMP?!? series, continued . . . “Save Israel for last” HUH?!?

What in hell did Q mean by “Save Israel for last?” A nasty part of me wants to think that it means Israel will finally be obliterated, removed from the face of this Earth. But then why do I want to think that? Because Israel, and the whole Jewish question, what’s real, what’s not, in terms of “bloodlines” (I’m supposedly “Jewish,” on my mother’s side, BTW, something I was not informed of as a child), in terms of the significance of “Zionism,” and of Jewish Rothschild’s establishment of Israel as “the promised land for God’s chosen people” looks like a horrific hornet’s nest, impossible for me either make sense of or to “deal with” fairly and comprehensively.

I just spent a few minutes poring over a regional map, focused on Israel with both West Bank and Gaza strip, attempting to contextualize the two areas supposedly reserved for Palestinians, since the creation of Israel, in 1948.

Gaza, itsy bitsy FLASH POINT!

Being totally flummoxed by what is or is not happening, I decided to look at the astro chart for Israel, and zowee! Israel’s natal Sun sits at 23° of stubborn, earthy Taurus, exactly where explosive, eruptive transit Uranus sits now, and has been moving back and forth across since May 2024. (It’s maximum intensity point was on 1/e0, when it turned, to go direct.)

Then, I thought, hell, why not look at Trump’s natal chart too, since he’s obviously very tied to Israel, and has just announced that the U.S. is going to take over Gaza!

And wouldn’t you know, Trump’s Midheaven (his path, his public role), sits at 24° Taurus, also nearly exact where the transit Uranus sits now. Totally in keeping with his global role as a disrupter of the status quo.

Oh yeah, and my own natal Moon at 23° Taurus, also hit by Uranus, desiring, like a fool, with only swiftly moving digital data to reflect on, to obliterate Israel . . .

Keep in mind that Uranus has an 84 year cycle . . . which means that these transit Uranus conjunctions are unusually significant for both Israel and Trump; frankly, the the synchronicity of their near exact conjunction makes me shudder with horror and delight.

Another very interesting note about the natal chart for Israel: This nation state was willed into being during the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Leo, 1946-1948, the same post-war years that saw the birth of the National Security Act  and the CIA. Saturn structure married Plutonian power in the utterly self-centered sign of Leo: A very significant nexus in the history of the U.S. as a global hegemon. And, while I’m at it, remember that the Covid Con was launched during the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in structural Capricorn, January 2020. That’s when “they” tried, and failed to lock us all up for ten years. Saturn/Pluto conjunctions, which occur every 35-36 years, matter. Saturn either tries to control/prevent or to directly channel the  death/rebirth Plutonian energy as it erupts from the depths.

I’m not pretending, in this post, to come to any conclusion about whether or not to “trust Trump,” given this latest announcement, by sidewinding a bit into astrology. But, if it helps, do note that this eruptive Uranus 23° Taurus focus, which achieved peak intensity when it turned to go direct on January 30, will endure through most of March, and then begin to fade.

Meanwhile, there seem to be two principal, and opposing, versions of what Trump’s announcement of the takeover of Gaza means:

The first is that it proves Trump is not only aligned with Netanyahu, but is his lackey in the march to Greater Israel. You can find this conclusion just about everywhere you look.

The second is that Trump just separated Gaza from Netanyahu, and thereby began to solve a whole host of problems.

This second interpretation is not nearly as popular, but it does exist. See, for example, Brian Cates, @drawandstrike, who couches it within a broader context than I’ve seen otherwise.

I must say, I was struck by Netanyahu’s demeanor when Trump was talking. Seems subservient; even, frankly, scared.

Obviously shocked by the announcement, Clandestine tries to stay on the fence. I don’t blame him for wanting to come down on one side or the other. This sure does appear colonial, rather than collaborative. U.S. empire building again? Just kick those poor old worthless Palestinians out so we can build another fantastic “smart city”? Just treat them like we treated the Native Americans at home? If so, what’s new?


Obviously, Trump’s 5D chess is way bigger than any of my paranoid imaginings. Thus, with Clandestine, I wait with bated breath.

[Post-nap . . .]

Oh, wow . . . I see this:

And Aha! Joe Lange weighs in.

“Here’s what I think happened . . .”










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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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