TRUST TRUMP? The contention keeps accelerating

Looking back, part of me wishes I had qualified that “Even so, Trust Trump” header I gave to yesterday’s post: e.g. “Trust Trump (Mostly).” In any case, you’ve got to admit that his actions, so far, have been literally breathtaking (see Jeffrey Tucker’s assessment, which I just now posted). Note the latest astonishments, offering buyouts to all federal employees, and freezing federal grants and loans — which was then “paused.” 

But of course! Blowback is inevitable, part of the developing chaotic situation that 2025 promises. Oh and BTW: Happy New Moon in zany Aquarius, early this morning, which also happens to coincide with a three day communicative Mercury conjunction with profound, death/rebirth Pluto, also both in Aquarius.

Geez, is this meme relevant, or what?

The there’s the RFK confirmation hearing, today, on the heels of his own sister Caroline calling him a “predator.” Geez! I went on X, searched for “Caroline Kennedy,” and decided that this tweet comes closest to my abhorrence for what she just did.

Remember, remember, and this applies to every single one of us.

You show me one single person who does not have some kind of shadow following him or herself around, or projected out upon others, and I will assume apriori, that this so-called person is not an ensouled human being but a robot.

Meanwhile, here we are, embroiled in the accelerating political/cultural contention of our lifetimes. Maybe of the lifetime of humanity itself! So enormous are the stakes. And so much does every single decision, no matter how apparently minor, or hidden, reverberate through the whole.

Some decisions, of course, like those Trump is making, like those RFK Jr. will make should he succeed in being confirmed, have more obvious reverberations, and are publicized far and wide.

Myself? I prefer homeopathic action.

Meanwhile, here we sit, trying to make sense of the accelerating chaos. Are we still only 5% of the whole? I doubt it.

The covid con especially, woke a lot of people up who were sleeping before. They had to make a decision. To jab or not to jab? — with, if they were paying attention, career, family, and possibly life-altering circumstances (to put it mildly). How many started to pay attention to the fact that stupid, misleading, false covid talking points were repeated ad nauseam, used to spread the virulent F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) virus by the MSM and the vast majority of Big Med, Big Pharma, Big Gov, Big Ed, etc.

Estimates vary wildly, but think I read somewhere that 20% of the U.S. population did not get more than one dose of the jab. (Which means they had second thoughts after the first one.) True?

In any case, I’m pretty sure that 5% has increased since 2020.

Of course, like many who woke up to the MSM bullshit a long time ago — I stopped subscribing to the New York Times, print version, in late 2011, and turned to the internet instead.

Immediate question then, and still my question now: Geez! What’s real, what’s not?

Over time, of course, I found myself paying attention to only certain people and avoiding others; over even more time, I found myself rejecting some of those I had been paying attention to, and trying out others. This has been an ongoing process, trying alternative sources out, both people and platforms, ever since.

Meanwhile, I, and at least that 5%, recognized these and other-called “conspiracies” as real:

In fact, if you’re like me, you have to watch your mouth . . .

Solzhenitsyn knew what was, and is, going on.

As anons say, “stay frosty.”

For no matter what we think going on, even if it seems factual, it’s likely only one of numerous, effervescent, ever-mutating surface layers, meant to distract. In fact, this meme, may actually tell the (current) (underlying) truth.

Or not! I don’t think so. But I certainly don’t claim to know.

And yes, our common future depends on how many of us WAKE UP TO LOVE, and how quickly.

For each of us, that is the task, to courageously open our hearts.

P.S. The word “courage” stems from the French, coeur, and means “heart.”


1 thought on “TRUST TRUMP? The contention keeps accelerating”

  1. Once again you have published the “chart” showing who was “right”–journalists or conspiracy theorists. I can agree with some but question what is correct on many also. You claim that you no longer use MSM but the internet instead as a news source. I wonder if you consider the CDC as a legitimate source–it’s on the internet. I would contend that data (facts} show that the death rate from COVID-19 was 5 times higher among those that were not vaccinated. I believe that we could have vaccinated and quarantined those over 65 and not shut down the country as the virus culled the weak and most would have survived. Choices were made that had bad consequences but 1 million Americans (actually more) died and ivermectin was not the answer.

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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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