Victor Davis Hanson, a 5th generation life-long resident of the Central Valley of California, warns us that the LA conflagration, if such horrendous events are allowed to continue, will lead to the total collapse of our civilization.
And here’s a richly descriptive and contextualized VDH post from 2014, detailing how California’s brilliantly designed, engineered, and operating water storage and distribution systems were systematically destroyed, one by one, by so-called “environmentalists,” making the ongoing horror-show now, predictable.
Nicole Shanahan weighs in.
Comparing recent FIRE and WATER events: Remember that most of those (so far) affected in California fires are wealthy, with second homes elsewhere, and plenty of other backup resources. People along the rivers in North Carolina however, tell an entirely different story. These two current events symbolize, for me, the accelerating death of the middle class, leaving only the wealthy and the impoverished, with, apparently, the latter class scheduled for depopulation.