Websites Hacked; Feminine Whisper from Beyond; MK Ultra Distraction; and What-In-Hell-Are-They?

Well, I promised to be back on Monday, and here it is Thursday. What stopped me in my tracks? All my websites were hacked. Which set me back a day and was very expensive.

Then, and far more debilitating, my paralyzed, nerve-damaged son Colin’ troubles have increased. And since, as his mother I cannot help but be in communion with him on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, I’ve been preoccupied with processing all the current, roiling feelings.

Yesterday morning, while spending two hours in the kitchen preparing food to take out to him, at one point my usually torrentially distracted mind went was blank. And into that void a feminine voice, whispering . . . two words: Accelerated Learning. 

Instantly, I absorbed these words, having learned, over the decades, to pay attention to seemingly inconsequential or puzzling messages that arrive in that manner. And instantly, also, I knew what level, or dimension, to which her whispered words referred. Not to the mind. No. To the soul level. What Colin and I — to a much lesser degree; I’m not the one who is in constant, debilitating nerve pain — are enduring is soul-level learning, accelerated soul growth, our human experiences pushing the boundaries of what most would consider tolerable in the third dimension, where our souls are joined to material bodies.

Yes. And so instantly, I felt better, having, once again, gleaned meaning from our long, grinding ordeal.


That said, here are two interesting, perspective-generating memes, especially when viewed one after another . . .


And notice: the most recent young lone male shooter, likely MK Ultra psy-op was timed to when Syria fell and Israel began to devour it. In other words, the Luigi/CEO murder drama is a complex, puzzling, fascinating distraction. Oh yeah, and may it also be distracting us (except for those who live in New Jersey/New York City area), from the continuing hordes of what-in-hell-are-they? Clif High warned that this formerly, strange, unusual activity would ramp up, and we can only imagine how, over time, it’s going to completely transform our way of being, thinking, acting in “the world.”

Drones, UFOs and UAPs — Oh My!


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Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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