8 AM LAF Meditation is Mutating . . . into SONG

Just over three months ago, on the August 22nd Full Moon, the LAF Meditations were born, asking that participants go into meditation, to help alchemize F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) into LOVE, at 8 AM, every Sunday, your time, across the world.

I don’t know how many have participated in this practice. All I know is that I have been doing it for months now, South America to North America, with my friend Janet, via the phone. During these three months, she and I have noticed the synchronicities in both our experience of the week just past, and our meditations themselves. Plus, the meditations have been mutating all along, beginning with a mutually felt need to go deep inside the Earth, bringing LOVE into the contracted sludge of FEAR that has been building up over decades, centuries, millennia.

Digging down took a number of weeks, and was preceded by our decision to first, prior to formal sitting meditation, express through actual, loud, physical howling all the desperation, fury, despair that lies buried inside the collective body/mind and seeks release.

We howled prior to meditating for about five weeks.

Two weeks ago, we “forgot” to howl first — and noticed only a few days later, that howling was no longer on the LAF agenda for us.

What happened next I am only beginning to speak about, the need for a much fuller expression of LOVE energy within which to bathe this globe. And for me, this means SONG. More on this in the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, today, prior to calling her, I was thinking of asking Janet whether she thinks we should make the transition now, in the sense of not meditating this morning, but continuing to prepare for the alternative we’d already discussed: SONG expression.

But when I called her at 8:00 AM precisely, I couldn’t get through.

A few hours later, I came back from walk with puppy Shadow. Still no phone message. But, geez! A single short sentence via internet: WE HAD AN EARTHQUAKE.

Ye gods! I looked it up, and yes indeed, a 7.5 earthquake near where she is located.

See orange symbols. That’s the quake zone for today.

She’s fine; as one who grew up in California, she knows exactly what’s happening when the earth moves. Grabbed her winter jacket, donned her new Christmas jammies with flip flops, and took the stairs down five flights, to outside, where she noticed the other tall buildings, and decided to walk a few blocks in a different direction. This happened about an hour before we were due to talk. That earthquake, to me, is another confirmation that we are to begin to make another LAF transition!

Just remember, no matter what particular practice we are currently, in the past, or in the future, involved in, it’s all a LAF, intending to expand the heart to the point where we channel LOVE TO ALCHEMIZE FEAR.

Meanwhile, my dearest, oldest friend Claudia, with whom I spoke on the phone yesterday, tells me that she has been singing in her heart for a few weeks now, this:

The lyrics (and those singing them) here:

Another synchronicity! I told her about what’s going on with me, and that I am practicing singing. Told her she could likely also bring her originally beautiful voice back, simply by practicing.

As you may have guessed by now, I suggest that it’s time we begin to remember how to sing, singing songs that express the divine love through our hearts — alone, together, and across the world. Songs of praise. Songs are prayers.

And guess what? I have a sense that this fractured, covidized culture, as it stands now, would not only appreciate but even embrace a return to the old Christmas tradition of caroling the neighborhood. YES!

How about on the Solstice, December 21? Just sayin’!

2 thoughts on “8 AM LAF Meditation is Mutating . . . into SONG

  1. That was a good map, Ann, of Ecuador and Peru and where the earthquake was. Cuenca is not that far from the epicenter. Rock and Roll. Our building was swaying real well. No damage though. So amazing

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