9/11: 21st Anniversary. AND WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED?

The PTSD suffered by all those alive on that day is still unhealed. What will it take to heal?


Who did it? Why? Proof?

We’ve never come to a unified understanding of this event. Instead, this event, so momentous it divided into history into “before” and “after,” was utilized to divide the populace into those who saw it as an inside job of some kind and those who bought the constantly repeated MSM propaganda.

(Which is where we are now, re: the covid con.)

Nor have those who saw it as an inside job come to a unified understanding of just how the event was accomplished.

(Which is where we are now, re: the covid con.)


How large does the context have to be to fully illuminate this, or any event of massive cultural significance and its aftermath?

How did 9/11 divide current population into before and after? How do we understand the collective psyche of those born after 9/11, the oldest of whom is now 21 years old?

Questions questions.



One thought on “9/11: 21st Anniversary. AND WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED?

  1. What will it take to heal?
    As usual, time and wine. My eventual death will cease the pains of this world for me, but that will likely transfer to whatever we become after. Do we even need to heal? Maybe just “deal”. Idk, we’ll find out ‘eh. Every time I see a jet fly over, at that particular altitude, at that particular angle of view, I’m taken back to the impact on the towers.
    Who dun it? How would we ever know? In the rear view – the Bush Cheney duo have surfaced as Giant slime balls, but I don’t believe Americans blew up buildings on that day. After all the theories I’ve heard, I think it happened just as it was presented to us on TV, of course sans info on the underlying conspiracies it took to put the plan together AND the reasons for it. Like maybe flip the first domino in the great reset. Destabilize a dangerous region to the point of initiating today’s mass migration. Swatting the hornet’s nest? It clearly turned out to benefit cabal interests but I can’t (as yet) give them credit for being that smart. Just because they are evil doesn’t mean they are smarter.

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