A Capricorn Investigative Sketch Prompted by the Death of Mikhail Gorbachev



Ever since the Saturn/Pluto conjunction on January 12th, 2020, at 23° of hierarchical Capricorn, the drat conjunction that kicked off the attempted global Covid Con(trol) we have been living through for nearly three years, I’ve felt an internal tug to go back and look at when, and in what zodiacal degree area, the last, very rare, Uranus/Neptune conjunction in structural, rule-bound Capricorn occurred. Because I’ve intuitively sensed that these two eras are related.

Note: this investigative sketch deserves a book, one which I’m not going to write. But perhaps I can point someone in that direction.

Yesterday, Mikhail Gorbachev, 91 years old, died. Which prompted me to finally tackle this investigation. Why? Because Gorbachev, himself, to me, was the embodiment of his startling notions of glasnost (openness: NEPTUNE) and perestroika (restructuring: URANUS) in CAPRICORN, sign of institutional form, order and control. And what happened as a result of Gorbachev’s twin notions? Not what he had envisaged. Instead of reform, he got revolution: the Fall of the Berlin Wall (November 1989) between East and West, which resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, breaking up (Uranus) what had been cobbled together, and igniting extreme societal confusion and demoralization (Neptune). And when did this breakup occur? In late 1991, during the Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn.

Gorbachev’s ambition to change the world to a more peaceful place, one that he shared with Ronald Reagan, worked, up to a point. These two signed their INF treaty to begin to eliminate nuclear missiles on December 8, 1987 at 2:02 PM, in Washington, D.C. Thus began the melting (Neptune) of the Cold War that had held the whole world frozen in fear since World War II. These two men shared a big Sagittarian overview of how the world could begin to change from warlike to peaceful.


INF Treaty Signed (12/8/87, 2:02 PM Washington DC)


Notice in the above chart, that the Sun approaches the then forming Saturn/Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius. The actual Saturn/Uranus conjunction at the very end of Sagittarius occurred the next year, in 1988. These two planets meet in Sagittarius (sign of large perspectives, religion and philosophy) once every 37 years. However, the last time they met in the sign of Sagittarius was 1511, in the middle of the Renaissance, coinciding with Luther nailing his 95 theses to the church door!

Then, immediately, both Saturn and Uranus moved into Capricorn, to join Neptune. The Uranus/Neptune conjunction itself occurred at 19° Capricorn in 1993, with its influence spanning from 1990 to 1996. These two planets meet up every 168 years. So their conjunctions are very rare, and coincide with transformations in the zeitgeist. The influence of the Uranus/Neptune conjunction was especially emphasized during 1988-1991, when Saturn joined them in a major outer planet stellium — and the Wall came tumbling down.



I remember that astonishing, transformational moment when the Berlin Wall fell. I remember how we foolish ones assumed it meant that the world would, finally, be one. That we would all live in peace.

But no. By 1997 the Project for a New American Century was born, with the result, what now more and more appears to have been a short-lived hegemonic global domination by the United States Imperium.


So, now let’s turn to the charts of Gorbachev and Reagan, for they were clearly symptatico.


Mikhail Gorbachev (March 2, 1931, 8:30 PM, Privolnoje, Russia)


Here’s what pops out for me: First, eruptive Uranus in pioneering Aries on an angle, the Descendant. Next, Jupiter in Cancer, at the Midheaven, joined by Pluto, and trine his Sun in Pisces: Clearly a powerfully kind, caring visionary, a dreamer. The unusual loving softness of his relationship with Raisa, his wife, is well known.

However, he was also very familiar with power — Pluto near Midheaven, opposed to Saturn and Venus, and both squaring (widely) Uranus in 7th house. He appreciated (Venus) his role (Saturn) as a big time (Pluto) change-agent (Uranus); and yet in the end, his reforms came back to bite him (Uranus on Descendant).

His Leo Moon in the 11th house of associations, shows his natural expression as a leader. This Moon, it turns out, was intricately connected to Reagan’s chart.


Ronald Reagan (2/6/1911, 4:16 AM, Tampico, IL)


Note Reagan’s extremely powerful and stubborn T-cross in fixed signs: Sun in Aquarius square both Moon/North Node in Taurus and Jupiter/South Node in Scorpio. Gorbachev’s Moon exactly opposes Reagan’s Sun, completes and turns Reagan’s T-Cross into a Fixed Grand Cross.

Reagan was also very familiar with power (Jupiter/South Node in Scorpio) plus Pluto on the Descendant, and, like Gorbachev, with his Sun in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, he also wanted big changes in the way the world worked. He also had a visionary aspect (Venus in Capricorn opposite Neptune in Cancer) and his Neptune was nearly conjunct Gorbachev’s Pluto. Notice also, Reagan had Uranus in late Capricorn, where the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction took place.

Most startling, to me, was that Reagan’s Ascendant was in late Sagittarius, exactly where that Saturn/Uranus conjunction occurred in 1988, and means that his Ascendant was also conjunct the 27° Sagittarius GC, the Center of this Milky Way Galaxy.

The two men played an enormous role in the world, their INF Treaty not only prepping the world for the end of the Cold War, but preparing the way for the Collapse of the Soviet Union — and the rise of the short-lived American hegemony.


What If?

Okay, now here’s what’s really interesting to me. What if the U.S. is now in the same position the U.S.S.R. was in way back in the late 1980s, early 1990s. What if the notions of glasnost and perestroika are as relevant to us now, as they were then, to them. The current and ongoing attempt at  glasnost, openness, transparency, via alternative media is of course are being mightily resisted, “in the interests of national security” and so on; and the perestroika restructuring of academic, financial, governmental, entertainment, medical/pharmaceutical, and military/industrial systems seems to be in play as well.

Those of us who love our nation, like Gorbachev loved his nation, wish that the current extreme turbulence — indicated especially by this year’s exact and first ever Pluto Return to its natal place in the U.S. chart, at 26° Capricorn (note the focus on Capricorn again, and only six degrees from the visionary 19° (Neptune) eruptive (Uranus) 1993 conjunction) — will result in rebirth, a return to the founding principles of this nation.

But what if, this nation has turned out to be more like the top down, bureaucratic, brutally dictatorial Soviet Union than we realize?

What if the US has morphed into the mirror image of the SU (Soviet Union)?

What if any and all attempts to reform via openness and restructuring will actually result in extreme perestroika breakdown, just as with the Soviet Union, with various states beginning to secede, probably led by Texas, or maybe California, or even Florida.

What then?

Is history, rhythmically synchronized with outer planets in Capricorn, repeating itself?









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