A Meditation on Opposites

I continue to be stunned by the differential between what I experience in person, and the continuing  horror show depicted in the so-called “news” I pick up on screen. What is going on? I don’t remember ever feeling such contrast between the intensity of the Love (here) and the Hate — i.e., disguised Fear — (there?), as I walk around town with new puppy Scampi, or, like this morning, interact with others at the Farmer’s Market. Such an intense, authentic presence we all enjoy! So easy and natural. What’s going on? Why is there such a flow with everyone I meet?

Or maybe I should ask: why is that flow not felt elsewhere?


Or even better: Is the so-called “media” lying?

(Well yes, obviously.)


Flipping that last possibility into a larger, more spacious context, might it be that our earthly world IS INDEED SPLITTING IN TWO, the “ascended” (5D and above), where awareness is such that we not only play with polarities, but we feel the aliveness emerging, in this endless, extended moment, as we welcome the  (creative) tension of the opposites?  Much more interesting, than getting stuck at one end while forgetting that the other end exists inside our psyches, which then gets automatically projected out, upon others.

“I’m so light (good); you’re so dark (bad).” NOT. I’m light (good), therefore I’m (unconsciously) hiding or (consciously) denying my dark (bad).

Likewise, that other upon whom I’m projecting as dark (bad), even if he or she actually “acts out” what you think of him or her, is actually hiding his or her light (good)!

My late husband Jeff was like that. However you saw him, that he would pretend to be. (Trickster energy).


The sacred work of integrating the opposites within the Self is what Jung called “individuation.”


Prior to individuation, however, there is the fundamental fact of biology. Those who think (or pretend) they can change their sex just because they decide to, are delusional.  We are born as either Male or Female. But even here, the psyche compensates. Men have their anima; women their animus. When we marry the body to the whole brain mind, then again, there appears the dynamic tension of the opposites.

All of which means:

At this point in human history, the concept of  “the enemy” (the “other”) feels so passe´ that it’s positively boring.

No matter how we try to avoid the conclusion, and therefore avoid the transformation that occurs when greed no longer powers the world, WAR is done.




Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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