About That Deeply Damning Pfizer Revelation . . .


Pfizer Clinical Trials Documents Finally Released by FDA Spell a Much Worse Picture (video)

In case you haven’t seen the Appendix, LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST — though I bet you have at least glanced at it, despite all fake media eyes now directing you elsewhere, to deep state now drumming up World War III (or is it IV?) as next fear porn stimulus — here it is, in tiny print:


How many different types of adverse events? (and is Death in the list?) Care to count? Care to even wade through?

NewsThe density of the adverse events text overwhelms (in larger text, it runs to 8.5 pages), even more so than had the entire gnormous list been redacted. Hmmm .  .  . WHY WASN’T THE LIST ENTIRELY BLACKED OUT? Why did Pfizer allow (or who forced them to allow) this doc to be revealed naked to the public — oh wait, the public doesn’t care anymore; remember, all eyes on Ukraine while righteously waving tiny Ukraine flags and hating Vlad the Invader.

Plus, among those who have been thoroughly vaxxed, and who haven’t yet (and possibly won’t ever) take charge of their own health, we need to remember: they could take charge; they could switch their focus from reliance on (lying or ignorant) outside “authorities” to actual internal sovereignty. In other words, drop down inside, and allow your conscious mind to reconnect with your unconscious mind, which in turn materializes as your body! Converse internally with your body. Ask your body what it needs now. This switch in focus will likely include your body (your unconscious) subtly directing your conscious mind to suggested protocols for detoxifying the many poisons — nano, AI, spike protein, graphene oxide, etc. inside the “vaccines.”

Your conscious mind can find these protocols on the internet, Maybe start with mercola.com, and greenmedinfo.com.

Clif High has a vax repair protocol, as follows:


In other words, all is not lost, even if you have been vaxxed, AND you have actually dared to at least glance at the horrendous Pfizer confession.

To me, the big question is, why WASN’T it redacted? I have a feeling that this signals deep state’s recognition that the plandemic failed, in the sense that they know they can’t coerce (via bribes, gifts, forced job loss, etc.) more people, sooooo . . . it’s time to lie again, in a new direction: let those who have been vaxxed find out that their situation is utterly hopeless. Let them know that it’s too late. That there’s nothing to be done. That they are on the way to being either crippled, or chronically ill, or dead, soon, within the next two to five years.

But why would they want the vaxxed folks to know? Don’t they realize that a certain (large? small?) percentage of them will simply go crazy, will come after anyone who pushed this genocidal weapon on the innocent, compliant, and/or unsuspecting? “That soon” the complicit ones — all of them, but especially the leaders of the band, like Fauci, Gates, and lets include hospital administrators, big pharma executives and salesmen, politicians, bought off doctors and academics — “they won’t be able to walk down the street” (to quote a favorite Q phrase)?

Well, maybe they’re betting that vaxxed folks are losing energy so fast that they simply won’t be able to get effectively angry enough to do something with their anger. That instead of seeking justice or revenge, they will simply play dead, wallow in confusion, grief, regret.

Hmmm . . . I notice that I’m making assumptions that lead to choice points, for more assumptions, etc. Of course, not being one myself, I simply DO NOT KNOW how these deep state psychopaths (and possibly aliens, or hybrids) think, try as I might.

I came across an extraordinary thread on twitter the other day, one which formalizes this driven curiosity of trying to understand the multidimensional complexities of what we are going through, not to mention that it also helps me not identify with any of my theories about “what’s really going on.”

Do read through the entire thread.



2 thoughts on “About That Deeply Damning Pfizer Revelation . . .

  1. The Vaxxed (probable/possible) response to the Pfizer report of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine presently seems a ‘no-show’.

    I have noticed that among beloved family and friends who are vaxxed and have begun to experience adverse after-effects, many seem hesitant to share the complications with others who are vaxxed yet appear willing to (very quietly) share such developments with family and friends who remain un-vaxxed . . . (a real conundrum in the realm of sorrowful mysteries).

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