ADDICTION’S EDGE NOTES: 2 AM, two awful audios won’t let me fall back to sleep . . .


Confession: I’m in the habit (bad habit) of taking my ipad to bed with me, so that I can let all sorts of stuff lull me to sleep, and then, when the cat wakes me to get out, or the dog finally wants up on the bed, or my bladder calls out in alarm, and I wake up, I can then fall back to sleep again, over and over, as again and again I listen (usually) to all sorts of (usually bad) “news” to gradually fade me into oblivion again, until the next time, the next time, the next time.

A few years ago I had another habit, this one a good habit, of letting go of all screens from Friday night through Monday morning, going to bed with only my feverish mind to wrestle with. But all sorts of weirdnesses in my personal life since then, the latest, my son Colin’s long, drawn-out, pain-filled trauma, has kept me on edge, so that listening to other stuff, stuff not related to personal life is my antidote.

Sound crazy? It is. Though two nights ago, for the first time in it seems like forever, I tuned in again to New Thinking Allowed,  reflections and interviews by Jeffrey Mishlove, a psychologist now in his 70s who has been doing videos and audios for decades, pursuing interests that got certified with the first ever — in the nation? — doctoral degree in “parapsychology”! So you can imagine the decided unusualness of his interests: what lies outside the usual 3D overton window; what lies outside, or sees through, or dissolves the cultural matrix frame.

Okay. Back to MK Ultra (individual and cultural mind-control programming, introduced after WWII), and my edgy interest in it. I remind myself of a wonderful author, PMH Atwater, a few years older than me, who grew up in the same town five years prior to my own sojourn through school in Twin Falls, Idaho. She has focused her adult life on varieties of near-death experiences, and how they change people. A number of her devotees persuaded her to write about herself, a memoir of sorts, Edge Walker, and it’s a doozer. Talk about parapsychology! Hers has been an expanding, multidimensional life from the get go.

Oh yeah, re: edges, check this out.

What would happen if we honored Nature’s edges rather than artificial ones?

And remember permaculture, its recognition:  “the edges are where the action is.” The more edge, the more action. Think about the edges of a single oak leaf, or of where a forest meets a meadow, or where your conscious mind meets your unconscious mind.  So many beings/entities/species of all kinds live, cooperate, compete there, at the edge! Want to up the frequency? Create more edge, to the point where it tips almost, but not quite, into chaos.

Okay, back to MK Ultra, again. The two 2AM awful offerings, both of which, unfortunately, were too damn provocative to let me fall back asleep. The first I’ll just call:

More on Taylor Swift.

And we DO have to ask THE question about any entertainer who rises in the public eye. Who or what bought them or blackmailed them? Oh yeah and let us keep a close watch on the half-time programming during the upcoming Super Bowl in the Las Vegas stadium known as “The Death Star.”

The second video, where Tucker Carlson interviews Bret Weinstein, who, along with his wife actually visited the edge of the Darien Gap . . .


. . . claims that both a migration and an invasion appear to be pouring towards and across at southern border, via the extremely difficult to cross (mountains, muddy jungles) 60-mile long, roadless (so far: are we about to learn about a new Belt and Road initiative to complete the Pan American highway?) “Darien Gap.”

The migration is from those who flee collapsing economies in their own countries in search of a better life, and they view the (also collapsing?) U.S as where that better life may be found. These come from both South America and just about every other nation across the world. Sponsored by (the USG in cahoots with?) the UN and hundreds of NGOs, they gather at a special camp, are friendly, and authorities allow visitors in.

The invasion is by young, military-age Chinese men, who have their own camp, one where authorities are NOT letting visitors in.

Weinstein conjectures that the migration is a cover for the invasion, and thus makes it difficult to criticize, lest we be judged heartless. The usual weaponization of empathy. 

An extremely interesting interview. Thanks once again, Tucker. Now please interview an independent journalist Bret recommends, the one that got him motivated to visit the Darien Gap, former Green Beret Michael Yon, who Bret says has been traveling the world for years trying to grok the big picture of the trafficking, migration, invasion obliteration of the nation state edges of what we are indoctrinated to think of as the “civilized” world.


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