An obviously partisan post

This morning, walking by the sign that says, HARRIS, OBVIOUSLY, frankly, it made me want to throw up.

Please, folks, realize that what leftist wokeist absurdity leads to is the ruination of aliveness.

If you’re on X/twitter, please check out this video. Socialism, in a nutshell:

Meanwhile, as we begin to head out to vote, what’s the situation in your city, county, state?

Hope this is no longer true. Though of course, there are other ways to steal an election besides loading the vote with undocumented immigrants.

But then, did you hear? The election may not be held on November 5. Something, some false flag, black swan event may — and likely will? — intervene. I think I remember seeing a post where Trump urges people to vote on January 5th 2025? Don’t quote me on that.

Aha! Search donald trump election January 5 2025 and there are all sorts of posts pointing to this remark — and, of course, calling it a joke . . . and/or using it to pump the idea that at 78 years, he’s showing signs of dementia.

For those who, like me, are seriously, even severaly tempted to dismiss Trump because of his support of Israel, check this out:

Mr. Truth Bomb’s  “30,000 foot view”:

THIS POST WILL OFFEND EVERYONE The Q movement has nothing to do with being anti Zionist or anti Israel. Despite the controversy around the establishment of the State of Israel, it is a country now where millions of people live. I believe in nationalism so I believe like with every other country in the Middle East, it has a right to defend itself. Do not spin what I am saying to mean that I am ok with all the violence etc but I do know elements in countries like Qatar fund radical Islamic groups to cause trouble in the region. We also saw warlord Obama send billions and planes full of America dollars to Iran. In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. In 2007, Hamas led a military victory over Fatah, the secular Palestinian nationalist party, which had dominated the Palestinian National Authority. Since then legislative elections in Palestine have been repeatedly postponed or cancelled, so there is no democracy in the region. Elections for the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) were held in Palestinian Autonomous areas from 1994 until their transition into the State of Palestine in 2013. Elections were scheduled to be held in 2009, but was postponed because of the Fatah–Hamas conflict. President Mahmoud Abbas’s agreed to stay on until the next election. It is important to note he is recognized as president only in the West Bank and not by Hamas in Gaza. Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Fatah is not. Also, I do not think countries like Israel or Ukraine or Lebanon should get any funding from the USA. That is American tax payer money and should only be used for the American people. I do not believe Ireland should be sending any money to the UNRWA either. I also do not believe dual citizens should be allowed in any position of government. I do not believe AIPAC should be allowed have the influence it has in America. I know Iranians and they hate their government. They loved life under the Shah. I am not a fan of Netanyahu and think new leadership in Iran and Israel could work well with MBS and Trump in getting a Middle East peace deal over the line. I am also aware of the Muslim brotherhood infiltration in the USA under Obama. I do not want to see the Palestinian flag waved by Irish people and find it cringe that the commies who support the trans agenda are so obsessed with Palestine. I do not want to see mass immigration of Muslims into Ireland as Ireland is for the Irish people. I am aware of the questions about what happened the USS Liberty and the questions around Israel’s leadership being motivated to be potentially involved in the assassination of JFK due to his stance on the Dimona nuclear plant, which was an integral part of Israel’s plans. I do think Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is an ally of Trump. I believe Abbas, Netanyahu and Trump can get a two state solution deal done but Hamas will not let this happen. Israel has offered a two state solution in years past but this was rejected by the Hamas terrorists. The mainstream media want the status quo to remain but I see Trump changing all of that by securing the Middle East peace deal. I do believe Israel and Iran could soon be allies. There are 10,000 Jews living in Teheran, which illustrates Arabs and Jews can of course live together in peace. The intelligence agencies and governments have been weaponised against the people of this planet. It is important to remember the conflict that has happened has nothing to do with the people of the countries. We the people of this planet must not allow the Deep State infiltrators trick us into hating each other. We must take back our governments from the Deep State. ANONS are not against the Iranian people or the Jewish people. If you want to see peace in the Middle East, you need to pray Donald Trump wins the presidency in the USA next month. NCSWIC MTB



Ann Kreilkamp
Ph.D. 81

Rogue philosopher, astrologer, published author, conference presenter, world traveler, founder & editor of Crone Chronicles: A Journal of Conscious Aging (1989-2001) , and founding visionary of Green Acres Permaculture Village (2010 to present).

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